Started out warm ups with an Original Strength reset.
- Cross Crawl 20 reps
- Diaphragmatic Breathing 2 minutes
- Head Nods 20 reps
- Segmented rolls 3 reps each direction led by each limb
- Rocking 20 reps
- Baby Crawl 2 minutes
Followed up with my standard Simple and Sinister warm up and practice.
3 circuits 5 reps each exercise
- Goblet Squats w/ 35# kettlebell
- Hip Bridges
- 20# Kettlebell Halo
- Bird Dogs
The Practice
- Kettlebell Swings 5 x 10 x 44#
- Turkish Get Ups 3 x 1 x 35# (per side)
This is a nice sequence. Gets the blood flowing. Makes me feel good and only takes about 30 minutes. I felt strong enough and confident enough to use the 44# kettlebell for all 5 sets of swings. After that I powered through the getups. Felt smooth and strong. My pulse at the end was 113 bpm. The warmups took 24:17 while the kettlebell practice took only 11:10.