Started out with my normal movement prep.
Movement Prep Giant Sets
- Goblet Squats 3x5x35lbs
- Hip Bridge(Raise) 3x5
- Kettlebell Halo 3x5 per direction 35lbs.
Forgot to do my planks as part of the giant set. Did three sets with 2 minute break in between. Total time for prep and planks 18 minutes.
Plank 3x30 seconds
Then l did the armor building routine outlined in the picture above. However, instead of AMRAP 15 I did EMOM 15 and barely was able to keep pace. I used a pair of 16kg (35lb) kettlebells. Also I squated to a box that was just below parallel as I'm still working on strength and mobility for full squats. During my first couple of rounds the cleans were GARBAGE! I need to spend some more time practicing them and snatches.
Cool Down Stretching
- Super Sets
- 90/90 Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
- QL Straddle Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
- Bretzel 1 minute per side
- Bretzel 2.0 1 minute per side
Total cool down time 14:08. If all goes well and my body doesn't rebel, on Monday I'll resume my simple and sinister practice and up my sets of swings and getups from 8 to 10.