- Lying Hip Extensions 5,5
- Knee Pushups 5,5
- Two Leg Stbility Ball Leg Curls 5,5
- Knee Pushups 25, 22
- 2 Leg Chair Assisted Pullups 16, 17
- Wall Squats 20, 20
- Elevated/Incline Jack-knife press 17, 17
- Hand Knee Plank and Side Plank 60-30L-30R, 50-20L-30R
This was my third Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things Workout. I did better this time than last. I changed up my warm up slightly, using one from a Turbulence Training Introductory body weight routine. I finished today's workout in 36 minutes. I only took 90 second breaks between exercises. The workout is performed as two giant sets or two circuits but with the aforementioned pauses between exercises. I think I'll stay with the 90 second breaks for two or three more workouts then lower that to 75 seconds. Tomorrow I plan to do another C25K run. I think I'll run on the street tomorrow instead of a field or track. I haven't run on the street since my first C25K run nearly three weeks ago.