Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Crossfit Card Game

Hooray! I went to Distinct Crossfit on a Saturday morning! Last weekend I was in Lexington, KY for a wedding. The previous weekend was the Greenville Games. I'm not sure why I didn't go on Saturday 19 July 2014. I started this Crossfit journey on 18 July 2014. Oh well.

After a start up of halos, pass throughs and good mornings with PVC pipe, we played a Crossfit Card Game.

So, the way it worked was as follows. For a total of thirty minutes every time someone drew a spade we had to do burpees equaling the number on the card. Drawing clubs meant wall balls, diamonds meant pull ups and hearts meant Ground To Over Head with a barbell plate. My weight for the latter was 45 pounds. I did the low reps pullups w/ a band and did jumping pullups for the high reps. If we drew a face card that meant doing 11 reps. Aces meant a 400M run, however Coach Lindsay suggested I do 200M.

So, we did a total of 45 burpees, 47 wall balls, 38 pull ups and 46 GTOH. Alyssa and I did an extra 11 GTOH as I drew the king of diamonds just before the 30 minute time cap came up. We ran three times, so I got 600M of running. Any time we drew a joker Coach Lindsay had to do what we wanted. And we drew both. Alyssa had Lindsay do 11 unbroken pull ups. I had her do 11 burpees. After sitting around a while I finished up with Prasara Yoga for about 16 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that Alyssa did a lot of extra work in this WOD. She competed at The Greenville Games ( She was often done with a set of an exercise before Lauren or me, so she would draw an extra card and finish that set before us, too!


No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.