Saturday, September 26, 2015

Rainy Day Kettlebells

It's been raining for two days. I hadn't trained for two days, since my late evening training on Wednesday. That late session took a lot out of me. I just didn't have it in me to hit it last night. I almost talked myself out of training today, but I have a goal. Plus I was listening to Tim Ferriss interview former Navy Seal Jocko Willink. Very inspiring. So, even though a light rain was falling I got down to business.

Warm up walk 0.53 miles in 10:56 for an average of 2.9 mph.

Warm up calisthenic circuits 5 reps per exercise,  (per side or direction if a unilateral type exercise) 12:21 minutes.
The Practice

Another step up on Tracy Reifkind's Workout #3. I did 292 reps in 20 minutes. The sets are done EMOM. I took at least 2 maybe 2.5 minutes to get started with the get ups after finishing swings. Despite the cool temperatures it was very humid and I was sweating like crazy. I also seemed to move more slowly through my sets of get ups. Did 5 sets, short break then finished the final five. Total kettlebell time 41:50. My dog, Shadow, sat in the carport and watched my whole workout. He was probably wondering what the crazy human was doing!

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.