Original Strength Reset
- Cross Crawl - 20 per side
- Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
- Head Nods - 20 reps
- Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
- Rocking - 50 reps
- Crawling - 3 minutes
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 6 x 10 x 53 lbs
- Turkish Get Ups L, R, L, R, L, R x 1 x 53 lbs
Loaded Carries
- Waiter-Rack-Suitcase Carry with 44 lb Kettlebell (left then right)
- 2 x Farmer's Walk with 2 44 lb Kettlebells
As usual did an Original strength reset to warm up. I did more rocking than normal, with some extra stuff for both shoulders and hip flexors. Felt really good. Crawled farther than usual in the same three minutes. I should try some 4 point (hands and feet) crawling soon instead of the 6 point (hands, knees, & feet) crawling I've been doing. Total time 16:22.
Planned kettlebell practice today called for six sets each of swings and get ups. Stuck with that plan but decided to tack on some loaded carries at the end. I haven't done any of those since July 27th. Swings were easy. Get ups were going well. As I was completing my fourth rep my wife came out to take her car to the store so I had to move out of her way and pause for about 1.5 minutes. Then I got right back to it and finished strong. So, what was planned to take 13 minutes took about 14.5.
On to the carries after a two minute break. I started with my left hand. Went down the driveway in waiter's position, back up in rack position, then down and back in suitcase position. Repeated with my right hand. Then two rounds of farmer's walks with two 44s. I took one minute rest between each round of carries. So the total kettlebell time was 25:28. Met my step goal yesterday for the first time since the 27th.