Saturday, March 28, 2015

35 Pound Turkish Get Ups

It was unseasonably cool today. I didn't get started on my training until 11:20. But I got it in!

Warm Up Walk 11:34 minutes, 0.56 miles. That's 2.9 mph.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
I didn't have time for a cool down walk as I had promised to take my younger son, Miles, to the local lacrosse store before my older son's lacrosse game at 2pm. I'm proud of my training today. I'm working on getting solid on Tracy Reifkind's Workout #2. I again waved the reps during the 3rd group of 5 sets and got one more rep on the final set that last time. I should have pushed and gotten 15 on that last set. Maybe next time.

After that I felt strong. The 25# kettlebell had been feeling too light on my get ups, so I decided to go for it with 35#. I did it. It really challenged me. It was a lot hard to keep my shoulders stable, particularly my right one which has been giving me some problems. But I did it! I can really feel it all across my scapular region.

1 comment:

  1. I tell you what...hours later and I can still feel all the muscle in my back from my neck down to my butt. In addition to that my forearms and the muscles of my hands are sore.


No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.