Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Armor Building EMOM

Got up this morning at about 0645 and immediately put on my workout gear. Went up to the kitchen and put on the coffee. While the coffee was brewing I did five minutes of mobility work based on Scott Sonnon's Intu-Flow. Then I walked around the driveway for about five minutes, came inside and drank a big glass of water then got my coffee.

As I was drinking my coffee I did some reading and put a load of laundry in the washing machine. I also played a bunch of games of Ruzzle and Words w/ Friends on my phone. I eventually got outside for some kettlebell practice at 0830! Got to move faster in the morning, stop playing those games!

Warmed up with an Original Strength Reset
  • Cross Crawl - 20 per side 
  • Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
  • Head Nods - 20 reps
  • Rolling - 3 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
  • Rocking - 20 reps
  • Crawling - 3 minutes
Kettlebell Practice EMOM 12 with a pair of 35 pound kettlebells
  • 2 reps Clean
  • 1 rep Press
  • 3 reps Front Squat
Warm up was good. I haven't done a full Original Strength reset in a couple of weeks. Felt even better because of the earlier mobility work I had done. Crawling got me sweating and ready for the work to come. Warm up time was 10:17.

I intended to do EMOM 20 but I got confused and thought I had an 0900 meeting this morning for work. So, set my EMOM for 12 minutes so considering my late start I could finish in time to dial into the meeting.

Man! Doing this Armor Building EMOM fashion was tough! I don't think I could have made a whole 20 minutes! At most I would have made 15 minutes. I had to lay out on the ground for a minute to catch my breath. I was really still breathing hard when I was done but I forced myself up to make my phantom meeting, LOL! So, obviously, total kettlebell time was 12 minutes.

Also, I was getting sore last night so I did some rolling on my large PVC pipe (my cheap foam rollers tend to smash down under my 240+ pound weight), stretching and mobility to alleviate the soreness. Worked like a charm. And I exceeded my current 7K step goal w/ 7915 steps.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Yoga and Kettlebells

Since I wasn't too sore today, I decided to restart my Simple and Sinister training today. I messed around and didn't train until early evening. I warmed up with Brian Friedman's yoga flow for kettlebells. Then got right into the kettlebell training.

Simple and Sinister
I did the swings EMOM fashion. After not doing swings for a month or better, doing 10 swings in 15
seconds and taking 45 seconds rest got me me breathing hard and got a good sweat going. Felt good overall. Then on to the get ups after a full minute of rest.

I had to remind myself that I don't need to make the time requirements for Simple and Sinister every workout. For swings that is 100 swings in five minutes. I clearly didn't do that since I did 10 swings every minute. But I usually push myself to complete the 10 total get ups in 10 minutes as required. Today I let myself breathe more between reps so it took me 11:23 to complete the get ups. Warm up time was 10:49 to go through the yoga flow three times. Total kettlebell time 22:23.

Armor Building Grease the Groove

After I finished 21 days of get ups, I took a couple of days off which turned into a week. As I've been watching the Crossfit Games Regional competitions this weekend I figured I should get back to my own fitness and not just watch other people displaying their fitness. So, yesterday, as I was grilling I decided to do a version of Dan John's Armor Building kettlebell complex. Basically every time I walked out to the grill to check on the meat I was smoking I did one or two rounds of the following with a pair of 35 pound kettlebells.
  • 2 reps Clean
  • 1 rep Press
  • 3 reps Front Squat
By the time I finished grilling I had accumulated 20 rounds! That's a total of 40 cleans, 20 presses and 60 squats. Pretty good considering I had never done this complex before. I figured I would be extremely sore today since I haven't done those movements in forever. However, I was pleasantly surprised that I was hardly sore at all. I attribute the lack of soreness to those 21 days of get ups.

The Grease the Groove part is that I did all this work in little segments spread over many hours. I got this concept from Pavel Tsatsouline. The next time I do Armor Building I think I'll do it Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) for 15 or 20 minutes. If I can do 20 minutes with good form, I think I'll then try to see how many rounds I can do without putting the kettlebell down at all. 

21 Days of Turkish Get Ups with Rdella Training

One of my favorite podcasts is the Rdella Training Podcast by Scott Iardella. Back in April he announced a 21 day training program consisting of daily Turkish Get Ups. I signed up and began the program on 1 May 2017 along w/ Scott and many of his other listeners.

Everyday for 21 straight days I did the prescribed number of getups. I usually did them in the morning after five minutes of mobility work ala Max Shank's 5 Minute Flow. Occasionally I did my get ups in the evening but probably only 3 or 4 times out of twenty one days. Oh sometimes I warmed up with a Yoga Flow by Brian Friedman. My other go to morning mobility was inspired by either Scott Sonnon's Intu-Flow or Original Strength Resets.

The first week I used a 25 pound kettlebell. Total reps for the week were 36. The second week I used a 35 pound bell. Total reps for the week were 44. On the third and final week I used a 44 pound bell, which I hadn't used for getups since last summer. The rep total for the week was 52. I also successfully tested with the 53 pound kettlebell on the last day! So every week I increased both volume and weight. Good stuff.

I regained strength and improved both technique and mobility. Soreness was minimal. I'm proud of myself for finishing the program without skipping a day even though I was tempted to skip a day or do "naked get ups" instead of using a weight. Overall a great challenge to get me ready for taking on Simple and Sinister again.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 7 of Rdella Training 21 Day Turkish Getup Challenge

I missed some time due to hip pain again! Spent a week just getting up and doing five minutes of mobility everyday and just trying to walk a decent amount. This past seven days I've been doing that five minutes of mobility and then doing Scott Iardella's 21 Day Turkish Getup Challenge.

Yesterday and today I did an Original Strength reset and then on to the get ups. Today, in between the reset and the get ups I did an armbar per side and the McGill Big three.

Original Strength Reset
  • Cross Crawl - 20 per side 
  • Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
  • Head Nods - 20 reps
  • Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
  • Rocking - 20 reps
  • Crawling - 3 minutes

Arm Bar per side, 1 minute each w/ 25 lbs.

McGill Big Three
  • Curl Up 6x10 secs each, 4x10 secs each, 2x10 secs each
  • Side Plank 6x10 secs each per side, 4x10 secs each per side, 2x10 secs each per side
  • Bird Dog 6x10 secs each per side, 4x10 secs each per side, 2x10 secs each per side
Turkish Get Up R, L, R, L x 25 lbs. 

Total time was 41:34. That seems like a really long time for the amount of work I did but maybe it's right.

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.