Warmed up with an Original Strength Reset
- Cross Crawl - 20 per side
- Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
- Head Nods - 20 reps
- Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
- Rocking - 30 reps
- Crawling - 3 minutes
Hip Bridges 5 reps
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 8 x 10 x 44 lbs
- Turkish Get Ups L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R x 1 x 44 lbs
- 2 x Waiter-Rack-Suitcase Carry with 25-25-44 lb Kettlebell
- 2 x Farmer's Walk with 2 44 lb Kettlebells
The warm up was fine. I did a little extra rocking coming up to a tall kneeling position and full hip extension and opening up my hip flexors. I also did some extra hip bridges, I just felt like I needed it. Total warm up time 16:18.
Kettlebell practice was as normal. Swings were EMOM. I was a little wobbly on the first rep of getups but then I got solid thereafter. I finished my 80% S&S in 17 minutes as planned.
I rested a bit and then started doing some loaded carries. I had listened to an episode of the Everyday Athlete Podcast in which I was reminded that the waiter walk carry is really supposed to be with the bell held bottoms up. Therefore I had to sacrifice weight and do the waiter's walks and rack walks w/ a 25lb. Then I picked up a 44 for the suitcase carries. Waiter down, rack back, suitcase down and back left handed, switch hands and repeat. Rest a bit, repeat both hands. Rest a bit then farmer's walks w/ 44's down and back. Rest a bit. Repeat. Total kettlebell time 40:45.
I think I did a little bit too much on the carries. It was hot. When I was done and cooled off all I wanted to do was shower, eat and take a nap. I did the first two and was revived enough to skip the nap as I'm finally going to go see Wonder Woman!
I did not get my steps in yesterday. I was just under 7K and my current goal is 8k. And I didn't do any kettlebell practice yesterday either, I let it be a recovery day after three straight days of training. I know S&S is supposed to be daily practice but I'm 51 years old and need to work back up to that, also my left hip seems to need a break every few days.
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