Friday, January 30, 2015

Bright Moon Cold Wind Workout

I almost skipped training with kettlebells today, but I had already skipped yesterday. I will not miss two days in a row. I did at least walk yesterday, which I didn't do today.

I got outside about 1815. It is 38°F and the wind chill is making it feel like 29°F. But I also thought about a couple of winter "street workout" videos I had watched recently. The second one ends with words on the screen "What will it take to make you miss a workout?"

The moon is about 3/4 full and shining light a spotlight in a clear sky. The stars were glittering like jewels. I put on a Frankie Knuckles mix on my Beats Pill and got down to training.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
Total time for the above 36 minutes. I got my swings down from about 9 minutes to about 7 minutes. Shaved the time for my getups from nearly 20 minutes to about 13 minutes. The goal is 5 sets of swings in 5 minutes, a 1 minute break and then finish the getups in another 10 minutes.

6 Minute Abs 
I did better on my crunches tonight than last time. For some reason my timer has been freezing for 30 or more seconds when it gets in between 3 and 4 minutes. Makes it hard to keep track of the 10 second hold for the CVEs but I do my best.

I'm so glad I didn't skip my training. I feel very good now. Got that exhausted, well worked feeling in my whole posterior chain while standing under a hot shower. Nothing like it.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.