Thursday, August 30, 2012

Four Days and No Post

I haven't posted my workouts since Sunday 20120826 but I have been working out! In fact I've done some kind of workout every day for nine straight days! GO ME!

Let's start with today's workout and then go backward in time. Before driving to a near by soccer field to run sprints as part of my Primal Blueprint Fitness (PBF) plan, I began warming up with Intu-Flow routine from the Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. Once I got to the field I walked around a bit to measure out 60M distances on the field. Then I did an active warm up for running from FitSugar.

With my body loose, I continued with a bit of warm up as recommended in the PBF.

Stride 50M ( 50% or less of top speed ) six times alternated with
Walking 50M to recover

I was really warmed up now with a light sweat and slightly elevated respiration and pulse. Time to work!

Sprint 50M ( 75% of top speed ) six times alternated with
Walking 150M to recover

Oh, I really ran probably like 65M each time. I started each interval with a 10M slow jog then turned up the speed for 50M and of course I couldn't stop dead after the 50M but had to slow down.

And as if all that sprinting wasn't enough I took my home made Kettlebell-like T-Bar and some weights with me to the soccer field. Once I had caught my breath and had some water, I proceeded to do Kettlebell swings. I got the routine and the plans for the T-Bar construction from the Four Hour Body.

Five reps w/ 20lbs at Point A ( a few inches in front of toes ) to standing.
Five reps w/ 20 lbs at Point B ( in between heels ) to standing.
Five reps of swings w/ 20lbs.
Swings 4x25,25,15,10 reps w/ 30 lbs.

I was completely torched after this workout! After I got home I cooled down with a Prasara Yoga routine, again from the Bodyweight blueprint for Fat Loss. My lower back and upper right hamstring are a little sore. My left ankle still gave me some problems on during my warm up running. I've iced my hamstring and lower back. My ankle is next for the ice treatment.

Yesterday, 20120829, was an active recovery day. I only did a Prasara Yoga recovery routine other than my normal walking around during the day.

On Tuesday 20120828 I did Week One Day Three of the C25K program. I won't reproduce the chart of my times and distances here, but if you're interested you can take a peek. As usual I warmed up with Intu-Flow and the FitSugar Active warm up for running. I cooled down with the same Prasara Yoga cool down routine cited above. This was a good run. Not counting five minutes of walking each to warm up and cool down, I ran 2.12KM in eighteen minutes and thirty seconds for an average of eight minutes and forty-three seconds per kilometer. Not too shabby and better than the previous outing by 0.05KM and cut the pace by twelve seconds per KM.

Monday 20120827 was also an active recovery day. I did a long Intu-Flow recovery routine. I'll repeat that recovery routine tomorrow, 20120831, and on Saturday 20120901 I'll start with Day One Week Two of C25K.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.