Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back To Primal Blueprint Fitness

So, I haven't recorded a strength workout since 25 March 2012. I think I may have done one or two without recording. Any way, today my warm up is 2 giant sets of the following exercises, five reps per exercise.
  1. Lying Hip Extensions
  2. Knee Push Ups
  3. Stability Ball Leg Curls
The real work out was two circuits of the following five exercises.
  1. Knee Push Ups 20, 15
  2. 2 Leg Assisted Pull Ups 16, 13
  3. Assisted Squats 20, 20
  4. Elevated Jack Knife 15, 15
  5. Knee-Hand Plank & Side Planks 40-30L-30R, 40-25R-25L
Well that was a decent workout for a 46 year old guy who hasn't done a strength workout in months. I was tempted to throw some kettlebell swings in at the end. However, I figured discretion is the better part of valor at this time. I don't want to over due it and then not workout again for weeks or months.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.