Sunday, August 30, 2015

Missed My Weight Goal

I put some weekly weight loss goals on my Google Calendar. My goal for today was to weigh 249 pounds. On 08/26 I weighed 248.6, on 08/27 I weighed in at 248.8. I figured I had it for this week. Alas, I did not. I didn't complete my second 24 hour fast of the week. I went out for a big breakfast with my wife yesterday that was full of carbs. As a result I weighed in this afternoon after my workout at 251.8.

I was initially mad at myself but that's how it goes. I may have held on to some extra water. Also, I usually weigh in early in the morning but today I waited until the afternoon. Also, I didn't weigh myself yesterday. I hate missing data points.

Anyway, I did my normal training routine.

Warm up walk 0.50 miles in 10:30 for an average of 2.8 mph.

Warm up calisthenic circuits 5 reps per exercise,  (per side or direction if a unilateral type exercise) 12:00 minutes.
The Practice
Normal routine. I stepped up a little in the last 10 sets of kettlebell swings by doing one extra rep, i.e. 11 reps, per set. All 15 sets were done EMOM. I added two extra sets of Turkish Get Ups for a total of 8 sets. Working on getting up to 10 sets. I took about a two minute break in between swings and getups, which is longer than my last few training sessions. Total kettlebell time 33:31.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Three in a Row

Stressful day at work. Actually it has been a stress filled week. Haven't gotten home before 1830 hours even once this week. Felt like skipping my training session as I was winding down to come home. However, I was listening to episodes of the Half Size Me podcast with the express purpose of over coming the reluctance to get my exercise in. I think the one I was listening to near the end of the workday was episode 57. The interviewee talked about a small victory of getting her exercise in when it was dark and rainy after a long tough day. So I made up my mind not skip.

Warm up walk 0.48 miles in 10:35 for an average of 2.7 mph.

Warm up calisthenic circuits 5 reps per exercise,  (per side or direction if a unilateral type exercise) 12:02 minutes.
The Practice
Nothing new here.  Good session. Felt good but not overwhelming. Time to go on to Tracy Reifkind's Workout #2 again. I wonder if I should jump straight to laddering up to 15 in the second group of 5 sets or just add 1 rep to each of the last 10 sets, meaning 11 reps per set for the last 10 sets. I think I'll take it slow.

Yesterday I forgot to record that I walked 22 minutes and swam for about 15 minutes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Kettlebells in the Evening

Yesterday I walked about 16 minutes after lunch. I'm going to try to walk for at least 15 minutes after meals as often as I can. Today after breakfast I started a 24 hour fast. I didn't have lunch but I did take my early afternoon walk.

This evening though I left work a bit late I was determined to get my training in and I did. I'll continue getting up earlier so I can start training in the morning.

Warm up walk 0.51 miles in 11:22 for an average of 2.7 mph.

Warm up calisthenic circuits 5 reps per exercise,  (per side or direction if a unilateral type exercise) 13:10 minutes.
The Practice
Same sets and reps as last time. Just trying to make sure my conditioning is solid again before I increase the reps. I was pretty sore yesterday from the race walk on Saturday and the kettlebells on Sunday. Felt better today. I'll probably be sore again tomorrow but it is so worth it.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Week Later and Another Kettlebell Session

So, it was another rough week at work. I did't sleep well most of the week and didn't get up early to train. I also worked late nearly every day and didn't train in the evening, Excuses, excuses...blah, blah, blah. As a result it has been a week since my last kettlebell session.

I started out this weekend better with a Sorta' 5K yesterday and kettlbells today. I will do kettlebell training Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week. I will get in walks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday along with resuming the corrective exercises I was given as a result of my Functional Movement Screening. I'll do the FMS stuff on walking days. I would really like to resume the Couch to 5K program but I don't want to overload myself. Anyway, on to today's training.

Warm up walk 0.50 miles in 10:15 for an average of 2.9 mph.

Warm up calisthenic circuits 5 reps per exercise,  (per side or direction if a unilateral type exercise) 11:55 minutes.

The Practice
Since I haven't gotten back into my regular thrice weekly kettlebell training I'm still stick with Tracy Reifkind's Workout One along with the addition of Turkish get ups. I motored through the swings without too much difficulty. Last session my kettlebell time was 27 minutes, this time 29 minutes. Not sure where the extra two minutes crept in as I only rested about 1.5 minutes in between the end of swings and the beginning of getups. But it was still less than 30 minutes so it was all good.

BTW, my feet, legs and glutes are kinda' sore after the speedy walking I did yesterday. This is because I haven't been doing that much walking either. Got to get back on the ball. At least my weight hasn't gone up. I weighed in at an even 250 today.

Urban League of the Upstate Sorta 5K

My daughter, Gabrielle Baker, was on the organizing committee for the Urban League of the Upstate's first annual Heart and Sole 5K. Our nuclear family all signed up to show our support. In addition my brother-in-law from Aiken and his wife as well as his daughter from Rock Hill came to Greenville to participate. A couple of my wife's friends and one of Gabby's friends joined us for the race as well

I haven't been running so I decided to just walk the 5K. They also had a 1 mile walking route planned, but walking the 5K would be no problem. Unfortunately, the biker leading the the initial group of runners and the volunteers out in the middle of the course went and sent us the wrong way! They accidentally cut off somewhere between 0.6 and 0.7 miles. It was still a fun time. 

Even though I was walking I did exercise my competitive spirit. I started out in the middle of the pack of walkers. I would pick out someone walking ahead of me and set a goal of catching them and passing them without running. I did this time and time again over the course. No walkers behind me passed me. And speaking of competition my oldest son, Isaiah at the back left of the picture, finished third overall! 

It was a nice, partly cloudy and surprisingly cool morning for the race on the beautiful campus of Furman University. We all had a good time and then went for a nice big breakfast at Stax Omega.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

First Training Session Since Vacation

Wow! This is my first training session since returning from vacation three weeks ago. It has been 22 days since my last workout. What threw me off track? I can't even tell you. One piece of good news is that I've still within about 5 pounds of what I weighed before going on vacation even with not exercising.

Warm up walk 10:20 minutes for 0.58 miles and an average speed of 3.4 mph.

Warm up calisthenic circuits 5 reps per exercise,  (per side or direction if a unilateral type exercise) 13:08 minutes.
The Practice

This was a pretty good return to my kettlebell practice. A nice sunny day, not to hot or humid with a breeze. It is only 87°F and feels like 86°F due to 40% humidity. Much nicer outdoor training conditions than the 102°F heat index at the beach. Maybe training 20 sets of swings and 10 sets of get ups in those conditions is what put my off my practice. I thought the heat and humidity at home in Greenville had conditioned me for that but maybe not.

Anyway, I did Tracy Reifkind's Workout #1 staying at 10 reps per set of kettlebell swings followed by 6 sets of turkish get ups per side. I worked up a sweat, got a little out of breath. I only rested about 1.5 minutes between the swings and the get ups which is good. I think I'll repeat the swings as is and add two sets up get ups on Monday. BTW, following the swings with get ups is a concept I got from Pavel Tsatsouline's Kettlebell Simple and Sinister.

Also, I would like to dedicate this workout session to a football teammate and friend from high school Derrick Leflore. Derrick lost an incredible amount of weight, over 100 pounds. However, he nearly waited to long to do it. He's had serious health complications, heart issues and issues related to diabetes. He recently had to have eye surgery due to complications from diabetes. Derrick I'm wishing you a speedy recovery. Don't give up the fight!

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.