Warm Up Giant Sets
- Assisted Squats 3x5
- Kettlebell Halo 3x5 per direction 20lbs.
- Hip Bridge(Raise) 3x5
- Bird Dog 3x5
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 7x10x44lbs
- Turkish Get Ups 4x1x35lbs / side
I got more than 7 but less than 8 hours of sleep last night. But for some reason I was feeling kinda' crappy today. Don't know what it was. Almost led me to skip a second day. But I thought about it and figured it might make me feel better to train. So I went outside with the intent to at least do my warm up and then make a decision.
I did my warm up and felt better. It took 13:25 today. So I proceeded w/ my kettlbell practice. I upped sets of swings from 5 to 7 and get ups from 3 per side to 4 per side. I felt so much better once I was done. Kettlebell practice took 16:26 today.
I also got the pleasure of watching the younger of my sons working on his clean & jerks and deadlifts while I was working with the kettlebells. He's go pretty good form on his cleans, at least to my untrained eye. He was also able to do triples on his deadlift with 275 pounds and 295 pounds. Good job Miles!
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