Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Getting A Little Better

At least I wasn't sore after my last workout. But it was still hard. Did better today. Kept moving, not as much pausing. My max heart rate is 175. My pulse after the workout was 132, which is about 75% of the max. That's a good training rate.

2 Rounds:

1) Bodyweight Squat - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
2) Close-Grip Pushups or Kneeling Pushups - 30 seconds, no rest
3) Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds, no rest
4) Jumping Jacks - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
5) Total Body Extension - 20 seconds, rest 20 seconds, 20 more seconds

If I can get a workout in on Thursday and Saturday maybe I'll get my ass back in my Crossfit box, Distinct Crossfit next week.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Punishing Ten Minute Workout

I was so sore for two days after my last workout. It's amazing how quickly the body can decondition. I should have worked out before today but at least I got it in. Twice a week is better than none a week!

2 Rounds:

1) Bodyweight Squat - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
2) Close-Grip Pushups or Kneeling Pushups - 30 seconds, no rest
3) Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds, no rest
4) Jumping Jacks - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
5) Total Body Extension - 20 seconds, rest 20 seconds, 20 more seconds

I've got to push myself more. Forty-five or thirty seconds is nothing. I should be able to move continuously through all of these movements. I did this workout outdoors and barefoot. I'll do better on Monday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Craig Ballantyne Four Minute No Excuses Workout

I haven't worked out since 20 August 2014. I've got to stop letting life events and laziness get in the way of my workouts. So today I got back on the wagon. I started out with a few minutes of working on my jump rope skills. The I used Craig Ballantyne's 4 Minute No Excuses Workout for Beginners. I bought some workouts from him some years ago and I'm still on his email list. When I first got the the 4MNEW email I thought for sure I would be able to do the advanced workout, but when I realized how long it had been since I worked out I opted for the beginner routine.

4-Minute NO Excuse Bodyweight Workout #2 - Beginner
1) Bodyweight Squat - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
2) Close-Grip Pushups or Kneeling Pushups - 30 seconds, no rest
3) Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds, no rest
4) Jumping Jacks - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
5) Total Body Extension - 20 seconds, rest 20 seconds, 20 more seconds
- If you have time, rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit and repeat 1 time.

I opted to do the second round so my total time was ten minutes. This workout is tougher than it looks, especially if you haven't worked out in 48 days, just one day shy of 7 weeks. I actually did hand release pushups but everything else was as prescribed. And in case you were wondering here is the Advanced Version.

4-Minute NO Excuse Bodyweight Workout #1 - Advanced
1) Total Body Extension or KB Swing - 1 minute
2) *Decline Pushups or Regular Pushups - 1 minute
3) Prisoner Walking Lunges - 1 minute
4) **Burpee - 20 seconds, rest 20 seconds, 20 more seconds
- Do not rest between exercises.
- If you have time, rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit and repeat 2 times.
* - If you can't do a full minute of pushups, hold the top of a pushup plank.
** - If you can't do burpees, do 1 minute of bodyweight squats.

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.