Sunday, August 7, 2016

Two Weeks Off

So, my last training session was on 23 July 2016. We went on vacation that week and I didn't take a kettlebell with me. Neither of the two places we stayed had kettlebells or well equipped gyms. The only exercise I did on vacation was swimming and walking in the ocean and walking on the beach and around Wilmington, NC.

This past week I just didn't get back in the training groove. It was hard enough to get back into the work groove! Oh, while on vacation my hip was hurting from standing and fighting the waves in the ocean while watching over my little cousins. The tides were strong so an adult need to stay out with them and keep them from getting swept too far down the beach. That same hip was hurting terribly yesterday and I knew it was because I hadn't been doing my normal exercises, particularly the Original Strength resets. Got back on it today with a light session.

Warm Up Original Strength Reset

  • Cross Crawl - 20 per side
  • Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
  • Head Nods - 20 reps
  • Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
  • Rocking - 20 reps
  • Crawling - 3 minutes

Wide Leg Founder 1

Simple and Sinister


Farmer Carry with 20kg (44lb) kettlebells - From backdoor to end of driveway and back w/o stopping one time.

I feel really good after training. The warmup took 15:29. Was sweating lightly and felt limber. Decided to do a light kettlebell session to get back in the swing, pun intended, of things. I did however use the 16kg (35lb) bell for get ups. The 12kg (25lb) bell just felt ridiculously light when I carried it over to my exercise mat. Moved well. Could feel some muscles fatiguing that attach in the glute area to the spine in the latter sets of swings but it wasn't terrible. Finished Simple & Sinister and the farmer carry in 18:10.

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.