Thursday, July 31, 2014

Deadlifts Equal Scraped Shins

Got to the box in time to change and do my Intu-Flow before the official start up. My daughter came along with me to try Crossfit and to ask questions of the trainers and gym owner about getting into the fitness business.

Start up
Otm 5
10 burpees

12 min to establish 1rm Front Squat
12 min to establish 1rm Deadlift

Metcon(10 min)
20 toe to bar
20 thrusters 95/65


So, to me 50 burpees is a workout but that was just the warm up for today. I got the first 3 sets of 10 with 15-20 seconds left in the minute before starting the next set. Then my abs started cramping up. I got only 5 reps on the 4th set and only three on the 5th set. I spent the remaining time in that 5th set stretching out my abs.

I never did a whole lot of front squats. When I did it wasn't in the front rack position, you know the clean position of a clean and jerk. My position was poor. I need more mobility in my shoulders and wrists. That and not the weight was really the limiting factor. I only got 205 pounds.

Deadlifts...this is the movement that I was doing 15 or 16 years ago when I tore my right glute. That injury set off a whole series of back problems over the years. I was frankly kind of scared. On top of that the stupid weight belt I bought kept popping off during my front squats so I didn't even use it on the deadlifts. I worked up to 275 pounds. At least I used such good form that I scraped my shins with the bar. Got to remember to either chalk my shins or use some other protection on deadlift days.

I felt like I probably could have gotten at least 315 but I ran out of time and like I said, I was kinda scared. My back was kind of tingly but I remembered a story on NPR: Pain In The Back? Exercise May Help You Learn Not To Feel It. I think I saw a similar story on CBS or NBC but I can't find it right now. I will get better.

The metcon 2 rounds with a 20 minute time cap of 20 toes to bar and 20 thrusters. I can't do T2B yet, so I did hanging knee ups. I did the thrusters with the prescribed 95 pounds. I didn't do any of them unbroken. I did the abs in sets of 5 to 20. I did the first set of thrusters in 5s. The second one I did 4 sets of three then Coach Derrick came over and urged me to finish up unbroken, I got the final 8 reps straight. It was a real cardiovascular challenge. Thrusters are HARD! Despite the cool weather I was soaking wet and breathing hard.

I didn't really stretch afterwards. I just sat around and put away my weights. Good workout for the fourth day in a row. Now three days off for travel. Oh and hooray for no running!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Getting Better at Running

I looked at today's workout and it was basically the Helen W.O.D. with Hand Release Push Ups (HRPU) substituted for pull ups. I didn't want to go but I did. I got to Distinct Crossfit in time to do my normal Intu-Flow warm up.

I only did 2 rounds of the startup. I didn't notice the 3 rounds line and after my first round was dicking around looking at the leader board, then I noticed people were still going through the startup exercises. I jumped back in but didn't have enough time to complete the third round. But I was sufficiently warmed up for the W.O.D. thanks to the Intu-Flow.

Start up
3 rounds
10 cal ride Airdyne
10 PVC goodmorings
10 PVC Over head squats
5 Downward Dog to Upward Dog

400m run
21 KBS (53/35)

Goat work(8-10 mins)
Choose one
Pull ups/chest to bar/mu skill
Rope climb wrap
Double unders

50 leg ext to hip raise
Smash/roll sore muscles

I did the W.O.D. in 15:46. That was a huge slice of time off my first Helen, which was 23:40. Nearly 8 minutes better!  Shoot just one week ago it took me 15:35 just to run 1600M. Thanks to Lindsay Decken for coming out to run my final 400M with me. She was finished way ahead of me and could have just waited at the box, but she came back out. Having her along really helped though I did have to walk some on the uphill stretch headed back to the gym.

I worked on jumping rope again for my skill work. I should probably work on some other skill next time we have Goat work. and just work on my jump rope on my own time daily. The leg ext to hip raise was a killer. I got 10 reps to start, though my reps were probably poor compared to other folks. The I did sets of 5, thens sets of 2 and finished up w/ 3 sets of 3 to get 50 total reps. I thought I wasn't going to be able to get up and walk my abs were so tight. But I managed after lying on the mat a bit then doing some upward facing dog again to stretch my abs. I didn't have the energy for my normal prasara cool down plus it was almost 1930.

Three workouts in a row! Better running and 5 pounds heavier on my kettlebell swings! Hooray!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

170 Pound Strict Free Standing Overhead Press

I was happy to see today's WOD on the Distinct Crossfit website! Until I noticed double unders, I can't jump rope worth shit! I've got to work on that skill. Everything else looked good...until I noticed an 800M run. We have run every single day I've been to the box. I think running of some sort has been programmed every day. I know I'll get better, I just need to keep doing it and lose weight.

Start up
20 PVC push press
20 halos per
20 band pull a parts
20 KBS

Strict press(20 min)
Work up to 1rm

For time
20 double unders(du attempts)
20 hspu/mod strict press 65% of 1rm
20 box jump overs 30/24
RXers-Handstand pushups falling off the wall will be a no rep. Must lock out with control at the top while remaining on the wall.

800m run
Stretch and roll

Before the start up, I did most of my normal Intu-Flow warm up routine, I just didn't get the last two movement which are for the knees and ankles. After the start up,  I worked up to 165 pounds on the press, then jumped up to 175 pounds. The third place record on the gym wall is 185 and I wanted that spot! I failed at 175. Coach Derrick suggested I drop back to 170 rather than having a second go at 175 and I got 170. It wasn't easy but I pushed through the sticking point and got it!

The metcon kinda sucked, like I said I can't do single unders reliably let alone double unders but I kept trying. I did the strict press instead of the Hand Stand Push Ups (hspu). I started out at 110 pounds but that was too heavy. I dropped down to 95 and was able to break the 20 into sets of 5. My box jump overs were done to a low box maybe 18 or 20 inches. I knew I wasn't ready for 30, I should have tried 24 though. My time was 15:40. I didn't monitor my time closely on the 800M run but it was about 7.5 to 8 minutes. I actually ran almost the whole 800M, but at about the halfway point there was a gentle upslope which reduced me to a walk. I did take the time to do my Prasara Yoga cool down routine once the run was over.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Squats Again I Love Squats

I barely got to the box in time to change clothes let alone in time to do my extra warm up before the workout started.

Start up
Walking heel grab
20 jax
200m run

Strength(20 mins)
Back Squat
Work up to 1rm

20 squats(use med ball for depth)
20 chest to bar pull ups
200m run

1 min couch stretch per side
1 min hip opener per side
1 min single,arm parallel per side
1 min max rep sit ups with anchor/partner

Observations from the start up. My legs and shoulders are really tight. I could barely grab my ankles, couldn't get the heel. I need to work on flexibility and suppleness. Running still sucks. The first 200M hurt my knee, the sharp stabbing pain again where I had surgery. I think I really need to do more warm up before running because it didn't hurt on the subsequent 200M runs.

Hooray for squats! We had 20 minutes to work up to a 1 rep maximum. I got 315 pounds! I haven't squatted weight since I lived in Chattanooga, TN 15+ years ago! And I did it without a belt. Those young whippersnappers in the gym better watch out! As long as I stay healthy I'm pretty sure I can catch them on squats and deadlifts.

The WOD was OK. Even after doing the max rep squat I was able to do the first set of 20 air squats down to a med ball unbroken. I had to do jumping chest to bar pullups I think I got through them in sets of 5. I made the it through the first 200M w/o walking! Yay! Second round I had to break my squats down into sets of 5, same for the chest2bar except I got stuck at 14 reps and had to do 3 then 3 more to get 20. I walked for about 20 or 30 steps in the middle of the second 200 but someone yelled "Come on Charles!" and I was able to rev up from my lumber to a real run for the last 75-80M!

The finisher was all good but for the 1 minute of situps. My core has always been a weak spot all the way back to my days of doing Kung Fu at Yale with Sifu Miles Brody. I only got 18 situps and my abs cramped up something fierce. No time for any extra cool down stuff today. It was closing time. I really need to get to the 0530 class or the 1715 class instead of 1815.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Late Evening WOD

After standing out in the heat yesterday afternoon and most of today watching some amazing athletes in The Greenville Games, I came home had some dinner, relaxed a bit then got my WOD on. I did the workout scheduled by the box I joined, Distinct Crossfit.

Start up
Warm up

200m run
15 sumo dead high pull 75/55 rx2 55/35
15 burpees

Stretch and roll

For my warm up I did my normal Intu-flow plus extra shoulder, hip and leg mobility work. I was able to do the WOD with the men's rx2 weight, 55# for the high pulls. I went out to fast on my first 200M run and got sharp stabbing pains in my right knee, the one I had arthroscopic surgery on a few years ago. I walked the 2nd 200M but was able to do a slow, slow trot on the 3rd and 4th rounds.

The sumo deadlift high pulls were pretty easy. I might have been able to do rx but I figured better safe than sorry. Especially since I need to keep my right shoulder from blowing up. The burpees really sucked, which means the rx2 weight was probably a good choice. They were the worst looking, sloppiest deadlifts ever but I got through them SLOWLY!

I was so wet with sweat when I finished that it looked like I had been sprayed with a hose. I had shed my shirt after the first round. but my shorts were soaked. After catching my breath and drinking a little water I finished up with my Prasara Yoga recovery routine. I'm beat down.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Finally a WOD I Felt Good About

I was stiff and sore this morning. Every time I got up from my desk at work I had to loosen up. After lunch I went outside and stretched my hips by lying back on the wall in front of the building and allowing first one leg then the other to hang free. I could really tell the difference when I got up and walked around the parking lot. I got to Distinct Crossfit in time to do my normal Intu-Flow warm-up routine and a little extra shoulder mobility but not much.

Start up
1 min hamstring stretch per
1 min Calf stretch/smash per
Otm 6
5/10/15 suicide

Amrap 9
7 Med ball clean 20/14 (RX2 16/12)
7 Push press 105/65 (RX2 95/55)

Box squat(set box height to parallel)
5x2 climb

2 rds
10 side plank punch through
10 scap push ups
10 cuff iso

So I was the slowest one on the suicides. I was also the oldest one in the class. I still averaged 20 seconds on each round. Not to shabby. Coach Derrick predicted I would be in the 20-25 second range, so yay me for doing it at the bottom end of his prediction!

The med ball cleans were hard. It wasn't so much the weight, especially since Derrick had me doing the 12# on the cleans and only 55# on the presses. It was the squatting for reps as my thighs were already sore. Even more was the cardiovascular fitness required. The push presses were just easy. I should have used more weight on both. I'll know better next time. I finished 6 rounds plus 7 reps of med ball cleans.

After a brief rest we were on to the 5x2 box squats, pyramiding up in weight. This was my zone when I was a younger man. I loved squats and deadlifts.
I wanted legs like Tom Platz when I was a teen ager. I didn't make it but damn I trained legs hard.

I think today was the first time I have squatted with weights since I tore my right glute and started having back problems way back in 1997 or 1998. I pretty much gave up lifting weights for years after that. I thought I would never be able to lift heavy again and just didn't want to do light stuff.

I wasn't super heavy today: 2 reps at 115, 2 reps at 165, 2 reps at 185, 2 reps at 235, 2 reps at 255! Just under my super fat body weight of 265. It just felt GOOD!

I only did one round of the Finisher. I didn't realize I was supposed to do two rounds. Plus it was late. I went to the 1815 class today instead of the 1715 class. I also had to leave to drive out to Furman to pick up my son Isaiah from lacrosse camp. That also meant I didn't do my usual Prasara Yoga cool down either. Oh well. I'll do more stretching and mobility work tomorrow to make up for it.
P.S. I got over 10K steps, too!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Metric Mile and Man Makers

Once again I looked at the WOD for the day and almost chickened out. Plus my knee was still hurting some. But I sucked it up and went to Distinct Crossfit to get my third round of torture on.

Here is the Rx WOD

Start up
20 swing kicks per side
20 hip rots per side
1 min samson stretch per side
400m Indian run

1600m run
20 manmakers 30/20
1 manmakers=push up, row, push up row, stand up, curl to shoulder press, hold db's over head and fwd lunge per side
Goat work
10:00 mins to work on a skill.
Choose something you really need to work on and seriously work on it.


I got there early and did my usual Intu-Flow warm up. Then I did the Start up as indicated. However the 4 other people in my group for the 400M were all younger and had been doing Crossfit far longer than me. The one sorta old guy in the group runs regularly. Anyway, I made it about 220M as indicated then I couldn't sprint back to the front. I let a couple of other people go, then I just dropped down to a walk for about 80M. Then I jogged in the last 100M.

The the WOD. I ran and walked the 1600M, it was hot and humid as HELL. I was the last one back, I made it in about 15:35 which sucks. But at least I made it. Derrick scaled the Man Makers back he had me start with a measley 16 pounds, 2 8lb dumbbells. I only made it through reps with those, then they had me drop those and just do bodyweight for 7 reps. That shit was hard. BTW, Derrick said afterwards that he had intended to scale my run down to 800M which is why he let me do just 10 MMs.

Then I spent my 10 minutes working on learning to jump rope again. I tried to begin with Carl Paoli's jump rope progression but I can't seem to get the rope twirling with my left hand. I need to keep working on that.

Next it took me a long time to get the GHD set up for my short self. In all I only did about 12 GHDSU before my right hip flexor started freaking out. After a little rest and water I did my normal Prasara Yoga cool down.

Recovering from Helen

I was very sore yesterday. I didn't get home until after 7PM and almost skipped doing any exercise. When I got home I thought I'll just do an Intu-Flow recovery routine and a Prasara Yoga recovery routine and skip walking. Then I thought I'll just do the Intu-Flow. But I had been watching The Crossfit Games in a side window all day. So I did Intu-Flow, walked and did Prasara.

Intu-Flow Recovery: 26 minutes
Walking: 44 minutes
Prasara Yoga Recovery: 22 minutes

Total Time: 92 minutes
Total Calories Burnt: 661

I was beat down tired when I got done. It was warm and very humid during my walk. My aches and pains during the walk were my left ankle and right knee. My knee was occasionally giving me sharp pains like before I got it scoped some years ago. Funny my left ankle was so tight as I haven't injured it in a long time. I got in 9514 steps yesterday.

Any way, I feel good today. My legs don't feel to sore, but my arms shoulders and back are still pretty sore. I'm looking forward to today's Crossfit workout at Distinct Crossfit.

Monday, July 21, 2014

That Mean Bitch Helen Kicked My Fat Ass

When I looked at the website of the Distinct Crossfit and saw that today's WOD was Helen I almost decided to skip today. I was like DAMN! My second Crossfit workout and it's Helen? DAMN! I went and did it though. I showed up early and did my Intu-flow warm up with extra shoulder work. I also practiced Squat Clean and Jerk with a length of PVC pipe. Here's the whole workout for today as RX.


Start up
10 pass through
10 jump pull ups
10 good mornings 45/35
40m run

3 rounds
21 KB swing (53/35)
12 pullups

Squat clean and jerk, climbing (no thruster - 2 separate movements)
10 toe to bar after each set

Stretch and roll
Hamstring/low back

So I did the start up just fine. The pull ups made it feel like a real workout though! As for the WOD I knew there was no way I could do the KB swings w/ 53lbs nor the pullups. I didn't even use the women's weight, 35 lbs., but a 30 lb kettlebell. The first round of pullups I did with bands, the last two I did jump pull ups. The 400m runs were so, so hard. I haven't been running AT ALL. I ran the whole first one, but I had to alternate running and walking for the final two rounds.

Then on to the strength portion. I've never really done any olympic lifting. I did just reps with the 45 bar to get used to the movement. Then I added on a couple of 10 lb plates. I couldn't do "toes to bar", my arms were beat. I couldn't even do hanging knee ups. I did abmat situps instead. I actually only did 1 and a half sets of those cause my abs knotted up like crazy.  I cooled down with some foam rolling and my normal Prasara Yoga recovery routine.

i am beat down. When I finished I was soaking wet with sweat head to toe. Unfortunately I had to drive out to Furman to pick up my son Miles from lacrosse camp. This meant lots of sitting around and waiting rather than heading home for a shower and ice.

But now I've finally had a shower, eaten dinner and iced down my right shoulder, right knee and lower back. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow it's not funny. I wonder if I can get up early enough to make the 0530 WOD? I wonder if I'll be able to move enough to workout or if I'll have to wait until Wednesday?

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Active Recovery Day

After my first official full-on Crossfit WOD on Friday I thought I would get up and get another WOD in on Saturday morning. However, I had to work from 0000 through about 0400 Saturday morning. After the work, I didn't even go lie down on the couch until about 0500, I didn't want to go bumbling around in the bedroom and wake up my wife. So, I probably fell asleep somewhere between 0530 and 0600. There was no way I was going to get up in time for an 0900 WOD. I was also so tired during the day that I didn't do any exercise.

I figured I would make today and active recovery day as Distinct Crossfit is closed on Sunday. My plan was to do Intu-Flow and walk yesterday followed by walking and Prasara Yoga today. Since I didn't do anything yesterday I combined it all for today.

My right ankle, the one I tore up as an 18 year old that prevented me from going to the US Military Academy, was really tight today. My hips are pretty tight, too. That made for a slow walk.

Intu-Flow Recovery Routine: 24 minutes, 170 Calories Burned
Walking: 55 minutes, 2.25 miles, 307 Calories Burned
Prasara Recovery Routine: 13 minutes, 243 Calories Burned

Total Time: 92 minutes
Total Calories Burned: 720 Calories Burned

Good workout. My plan for the upcoming week is to do Crossfit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I'll do some kind of active recovery Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. If the rain stops I'll get some swimming in too. I've already got over 10K steps in! Go me!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

24 Minutes of Hell

Yesterday I did my first official Crossfit workout at Distinct Crossfit. It was a cool rainy afternoon. The coolness was great, the humidity not so much. I listened to some rock music at high volume in my truck on the way to get pumped up. I got there so early prior to the 1715 class that I sat in the parking lot for a while and watched about half of the original Nasty Girls video, which was the first Crossfit video I remember seeing online. I got there early to sign any required papers.

Even with that I was still way early! I spent about 15-20 minutes warming up before the WOD started.

Intu-Flow Warm Up and extra shoulder and hip work: 16 minutes.


Start up
1 min of each 30s per side on stretches
Couch stretch
Hamstring stretch
Hip opener

3 rds
Agility ladder
Ball jax
Rope slams
Box hop overs
Ball slams
Tire sledge
Cone runs/shuttle
Farmers carry

Rotate stations. Cycle through 3 times.

Stretch and roll

Prasara Yoga Cool Down: 16 minutes

I'll leave it to the reader to look up the exercises in the WOD. We did three rounds of the eight exercises. We performed each exercise for 40 seconds and rested 20 seconds during which we moved to the next station. This doesn't look to hard but trust me it is. Midway through the second round I felt on the verge of throwing up. Luckily I recognized it and throttled back and kept myself just under that vomit level of intensity. This probably had more to do with my general lack of conditioning than anything else.

And guess what? The box owner and head trainer said that this was a "recovery-type" workout! Man, a full bore high intensity and/or heavy weight workout will be MURDER! Anyway, I did my normal Prasara Yoga cool down after it was done. I felt energized once it was all over and I had downed a good quantity of water.

Once I got home and had a shower the tiredness hit me. I wanted to just sleep but I had to go pick up my youngest son from TKD class. After that I had dinner and headed to the quiet living room for a nap before getting up to perform server maintenance starting at midnight for my job. I'm now in the middle of updating firmware on two HP Blades prior to upgrading VMware ESXi to 5.1U2 on those same two blades.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Basics Take Three Week One Day Two

Two workouts as planned. But I'm about to shake things up. Stay tuned!

Intu-Flow Warm Up & Extra Shoulder Mobility: 13:00


5 rounds with 120 seconds rest between rounds.

Assisted Chin-Ups 3, 5, 4, 1 (Negative), 1 (Max Hang/Negative)
Push-Ups 3, 4, 2, 3, max (at least 4)
Air Squats 5, 5, 3, 5, max (at least 5)


5 rounds with 120 seconds rest between rounds.

Assisted Chin-Ups 3, 5, 4, 1 (Negative), 1 (Max Hang/Negative)
Push-Ups 3, 5, 2, 3, 9
Air Squats 5, 5, 3, 5, 14

Time: 11:45

Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10

Total Time: 19:15

Prasara Yoga cool down: 15:20

Good workout. Not very much volume but at least I was moving right? I'm going to shelve this routine for a while and start working out at Distinct Crossfit on Thursday. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Week of Vacation and ...

A week of vacation and a week back at work. Nearly three weeks without working out, in fact 18 days. How does this happen?

On another note, I really want to do CrossFit but my body feels so fragile. Just walking around NYC for hours often had my hip and low back aching. Anyway, back to week 1 day 1 of my Chin-ups, Push-ups and Squats program.

Intu-Flow Warm Up Plus Extra Shoulder Mobility: 11.5 Minutes


Assisted Chin Ups 5 x 3, 4, 3, 1 negative, 1 max hang & negative
Push Ups 5 x 2, 3, 2, 2, max (at least 3)
Squats 5 x 3, 4, 3, 3, max (at least 5)


Assisted Chin Ups 5 x 3, 4, 3, 1, 1
Push Ups 5 x 2, 3, 2, 2, 7
Squats 5 x 3, 4, 3, 3, 10

Time 12:35

  1. Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
  2. Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
Total Time:

Prasara Yoga cool down: 15:00

So, I got it in. Since I went almost three weeks w/o a workout I dropped back to week one level one day one of my program again. I've got to stop doing this. All in all a good workout.

I took two minutes rest between rounds of chin-ups, push-ups and squats. I took two minutes between the last round and the ab exercises and two minutes between ab exercises. It's hard to get warmed up with such low reps on push-ups and squats. I focused on form. Got a nice arm pump from chin-ups and push-ups.

Tomorrow I'll do some walking and Intu-flow. I'll try to make sure I get up and move regularly at work, too.

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.