Saturday, May 30, 2015

FMS Exercises Walking Extra Stretching and Mobility Work

What can I say? More of the same old boring stuff. Corrective exercises I got from the Functional Movement Screen - 15 minutes. Then a walk: 51 minutes, 2.41 miles for an average speed of 2.8 mph. After walking I did a little more stretching of my hamstrings and hips. I also worked over my ankles and feet with a lacrosse ball. That's it. Boring and repetitive but effective.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Getting Better on Swings

Today is my daughter's birthday. We're going out to dinner. I left work a little early so I could get in my training. BTW, I was ending a twenty-four hour fast this evening. I hadn't eaten anything since about 1400 hours yesterday. So, I actually fasted for about 27 hours. I was a little too hungry when I got home so I ate a little fresh pineapple, beef jerky and almonds. About a handful of each.

FMS Corrective Exercises and Calisthenic Circuits 30:48 minutes.

The Practice
I was really slow getting going. I attribute it to ending the fast. Also, I was initially listening to some chill music. I changed the music after the FMS and the first circuit to something more upbeat. That helped get me revved up. I told myself if I'm not pumped up by the end of the warm up I'll just postpone the main part of the workout until tomorrow but I was ready!

I blazed through my twenty sets of swings. My grip was just barely hanging in there. I did 292 reps in 20 minutes today. Each set was started at the top of a minute during those twenty minutes so rest intervals were gradually decreasing. 

I managed to start my get ups after about 2.5 minutes of rest. I powered through them. I was starting to get some minor cramps in my calves and feet. BTW, I was training completely barefoot again. Got the six sets I promised myself. Also followed the plans I had laid out a couple of sessions ago for swings. This was my third attempt at Tracy Reifkind's Workout Three. Total kettlebell time 38:42. I also walked for 37:12 earlier today.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Another Round of FMS Corrective Exercises and Walking

Once again not much to report. After I got home and relaxed for a few minutes went for a walk with my spouse. We walked 2.43 miles in 49:27 for an average of 2.9 mph. Seem to walk much faster when walking with someone else.

After the walk, I checked a couple of things for work. Then I did the corrective exercises I was assigned as a result of my Functional Movement Screen. So far it takes me about twice as long to do the exercises as compared to the time listed on the handouts I was given. These exercises do make me feel good though some of them are quite difficult. Over 11K steps so far today.

Every Muscle from My Neck Down to My Heels

When I finished working out last night, it seemed as if I could feel every muscle along the posterior chain from the base of my skull down to my heels. Thoroughly torched. So tired I couldn't bring myself to write this post last night.

I got started with my training very late in the evening. I left work late. Then I went and bought a barstool to use at my standup desk when I grow tired of standing. From there I went to Costco and got some groceries including the wild salmon I ended up cooking for dinner.

Once I got home, no one else had started dinner so I got busy and whipped it up. Broiled salmon, rice and mixed vegetables. Once the fish was in the oven I turned things over to my son and got on with my training starting at 2047 hours. BTW, I walked at lunch time 1.32 miles in 31 minutes. I therefore decided not to do a warm up walk last night but to instead do my FMS corrective exercises and then proceed with my normal warmup circuits.

FMS Corrective Exercises and Calisthenic Circuits 37 minutes.

The Practice
I stuck to the plan I laid out in my post about my first attempt at Tracy Reifkind's Workout 3. Following my plan I got a total of 284 swings in 20 minutes which was 14 more reps than my previous attempt even though I didn't work up to 20 reps in the third group of 5 sets.

By the time I finished the swings I was again soaking wet with sweat. But I didn't let that deter me from doing my Turkish Get Ups. I toyed with the idea of doing seven sets of Get Ups but I think I'll wait until next week to bump that number up. I was a little shaky in the side plank position a couple of times but managed to regain my position without hurting myself. 

If it's possible I was even more sweaty than at the end of the swings. I had just enough energy to put my equipment away (by this time it was 2215), take a shower, and eat dinner. I watched a little TV and iced my right shoulder. I turned off the TV and lights around midnight, read about two pages of a book and went to sleep. Also, I ended the day with nearly 13.4K steps!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Walking and FMS Corrective Exercises

Not much to report today. I walked at lunch time. I covered 1.68 miles in 43:24 at a paltry 2.3 mph. It was humid, and I didn't want to get super sweaty. I've walked over 10.5K steps today.

This evening I did my the corrective exercises that were assigned to me after my first Functional Movement Screen. Two exercises gave me trouble tonight, pushups and planks with one hand and one foot raised off the floor. I haven't been doing pushups for a couple of months because I've been trying to let my right shoulder settle down. So, where I was easily doing 15-20 pushups before I struggled to get the prescribed 10 reps tonight. As for the variation of plank I mentioned, I just couldn't hold myself stable so I reverted to the first variation I was prescribed a plank on toes and elbows.

Monday, May 25, 2015

First Attempt at Tracy Reifkind Workout Three

As planned I stepped up to Tracy Reifkind Workout #3. It was more challenging than I thought it would be. I did not do my FMS corrective before hand as I wanted to make sure I had plenty of energy for 20 sets of swings. Also, I wanted to get done in time to see most of the NCAA Division 1 Men's Lacrosse Championship as I didn't get started working out until about 12:05.

Warm Up

Walk 12:00, 0.56 miles for an average of 2.8 mph.

Calisthenics 3 circuits 5 reps each 12:04 minutes
The Practice
My warm up walk was a bit speedier than usual. Once I finished the calisthenic circuits I was sweating as much I normally am after the first 5 sets of swings. I focused on staying upright and keeping my feet straight on the goblet squats. That was my primary focus for the warm ups.

On to the swings. The first five sets were easy, a nice gentle warm up. I was sweating even more when I finished them. Then laddered up to fifteen reps during the second group of five sets same as Workout Two. Here is where things got interesting, instead of 5 sets of 15 reps like last time I laddered up to 20 reps. This was really hard. On the set of 19 reps as I was finishing up to park the kettlebell I lost my grip and dropped it between my legs. Never done that before.

After getting the 20 reps in the final set I was so freaking winded I knew I couldn't continue at 20 reps. So, I dropped down to 15. I was still winded and dropped down to 10. Went back up to 15 but couldn't sustain it, down to 10 reps again. Finished up with 15 reps. My grip was totally fried, I was soaking wet with sweat and puffing like a steam engine. That made a total of 270 reps of swings!

After about 2.5 - 3 minutes rest I started in on the Get Ups. I really need to bring this rest period down to one minute. When I did get started the get ups felt good. Decided to do six sets instead of my normal 5. One of the goals of Simple and Sinister is to do 10 sets of get ups. I'm going to work up to that while I'm working my way up to mastery of 20 rep sets of kettlebell swings. Total kettlebell time 37:54.

Next time instead of following Tracy I'm going to workout up like I did to get to 15 reps. On the third group of 5 sets I'm going to do 16 reps each set, and do the same for the 4th group of sets. The following training session I'll do 16,17,17,17,17 for the 3rd group and 17 for all sets of 4th group. Session after that 16,17,18,18,18 and 18 for all sets of 5th group. And so on until I get up to 20 reps.

I'll do my FMS corrective exercises later on this evening. I may get in a longer walk, too but not sure about that. Oh, after my walk I did my whole training session completely barefoot.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sixth Time Doing Tracy Reifkind Workout Two

This is my sixth time doing this workout. Felt good. After my warmup walk, I did my third day of FMS corrective exercises. I haven't been as diligent on the corrective work as I should be. I'll do myself to be regular with it in the days ahead.

Warm Up

Walk 15:41, 0.66 miles for an average of 2.5 mph.

FMS Corrective Exercises then Calisthenics 3 circuits 5 reps each 31:02 minutes
The Practice
For some reason the FMS corrective exercises take me a lot longer to complete than indicated. I tell one thing, the planks are killing me. I've really, really got to work on strengthening the core. By the time I finished the FMS stuff and my calisthenic circuits, I was super warm and had a good sweat going.

On to the swings. I did Workout #2 again. I think I'm ready to move on to Workout #3 Monday. I was breathing hard when I finished the swing but I had gas in the tank, wasn't completely exhausted as I was when I started doing this workout.

The Turkish Get Ups were nice. I'm locking into the form better and better. I think my right shoulder is getting stronger and more stable, too. All of my abdominal muscles were beat down once I finished. This is a great all around exercise. Total time for swings and get ups, 28:19. BTW, I did my swings and get ups completely barefoot, didn't even wear my Vibrams.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Terrible Headache, Nap, Workout

I had a very bad headache today. That is a rare occurrence. Came home early and took a nap. Woke up after a couple hours and felt better. Took my youngest son to lacrosse practice and did my kettlebell practice while he practiced lacrosse.

Warm Up

Walk 10:32, 0.42 miles for an average of 2.4 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each 12:24 minutes
The Practice
Something about training in the part seems to speed me up. It was a nice evening, not too crowded at all. Sunny but with a nice, steady breeze blowing.  I really enjoyed it. The kettlebell swings felt good. I feel stronger and my cardiovascular system seems to be adapting to the 15 reps OTM. Next week I think I'll try Tracy Reifkind's Workout #3 for the swing portion of my routine. It is 20 minutes long and builds up to 20 reps per minute. I'm tempted to buy a heavier bell and switch to it but I don't want to fall back down in reps right now.

The getups feel very good. Form is improving as I concentrate. Again, I feel like I could increase the weight from 25# to at least 30#. Before I jumped up to 35# and my shoulders weren't ready for it. I think maybe I'll wait until I'm good and comfortable w/ Workout 3. Finished up the kettlebell portion in 27:21.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Another Interrupted Training Session

I began my training today by doing the first day of corrective exercises that were assigned to me after the Functional Movement Screen I had on Saturday. It was supposed to take about 10 minutes but it took me 20 minutes. I was getting used to the exercises. One of the moves is planks. I'm so weak on these it is ridiculous. Hopefully I will get better by the end of the six weeks I'm supposed to do them.

Once I was done with that I moved onto my normal routine. However after the warm up walk I was interrupted again because I had to stop and go pick up my son from lacrosse practice. After that I came back and got on to my calisthenic circuits.

Warm Up

Walk 15:24, 0.57 miles for an average of 2.2 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each 13:35 minutes
The Practice
Just a reminder, the swing portion of the routine is Tracy Reifkind's Workout Two. This is the my fourth time completing workout two. I think I'm adapting to it, but I was still breathing super hard and sweating like crazy when I was done with the swings.

I think I'll do this workout two more times then give workout 3 a shot.  BTW, I need to concentrate more on loading my hamstrings. Don't forget the swings are done every minute (EM) on the minute (OTM).

Once again I rested too long in between swings and getups. Today I was fiddling around with my phone trying to take my pulse. Then I looked up max heart rate percentages. The swings pushed me into about the 70% range. The next portion of the routine is inspired by Pavel Tsatsouline's Simple and Sinister.

As for the getups, I need to concentrate on keeping the planted foot solidly on the floor. My heel has a tendency to rise, especially the right one. Also, when my left leg is the straight one, I need to make sure it stays on the ground after I'm back down and lowering my torso to the ground. All in all a good workout. I finished the swings and getups in 31:38.

It was so humid that once I finished my training I could literally wring my shirt out! I was soaked. Glad to be showered and ready for bed now. Almost forgot, I walked for 28 minutes this afternoon at work, too and I'm approaching 9k steps for the day.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yesterday's Kettlebell Training

I was too tired to make this post last night when I finished training. Got up very early to go have breakfast at LeGrand Bakery with my wife. Then from 1000 to nearly 1200 I underwent a Functional Movement Screen. It was quite humbling. Out of a possible score of 21 I only got a 9. The practioner who did my FMS filmed me and took pictures. That too was humbling because I could really see just how fat I am. It is easy to fool oneself just looking in the mirror. But pictures and video don't lie.

The disappointment with my current weight began last weekend when I looked at the pictures from my daughters graduation. I saw an old looking, fat man when I saw myself. I've really got to do better and that led to a redoubling of my commitment this week, including getting the FMS which I had been reading about and hearing about for a few years without getting it done.

Warm Up

Walk 13:01, 0.52 miles for an average of 2.4 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each 16 minutes
The Practice
Warmup walk was normal. I took a bit longer on the calisthenic circuits to pay attention to form. I got some tips that applied to the movements from the FMS, particularly the Flying Dog and Squats.

Kettlebell swings were good. Even though yesterday was my third time doing Tracy Reifkind's full Workout #2 of swings I was still super winded. After a break of 2 or 3 minutes I got on with the Turkish Getups. My heart rate and breathing quickly ramped back up. I paid close attention to my form. I've still got a lot of rough spots to polish, many of which are related to things uncovered in teh FMS. Finished the entire training session in 30 minutes.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Interrupted Training Session

I got home after 6:00 PM, probably closer to 6:30 PM. However, I was determined not to skip my training. I got changed and assembled my equipment. Then I went off for a short, warmup walk. About 3/4's of the way through my walk, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I ignored it which is my SOP.

Once I got home I checked my voicemail. It was work. Damn it. I stopped for at least half an hour and attempted to address the problem. No dice. Passed it off to others. I was tempted to just wait until the morning to train but then I remember Triple H discussing with Tim Ferriss his 10:00 PM workouts after a full days work and time with his kids. So, back outside I went.

Warm Up

Walk 14:46, 0.54 miles for an average of 2.2 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each 13 minutes
The Practice
By the way this was after a 37:24, 1.63 mile walk at lunch time. Anyway, after the interruption caused by work I got on with the warmup circuits. Enough time had passed so I was somewhat stiff and cool again. It really took me all three circuits to get loose.

On to the swings. First group of 5 sets of 10 was normal. Felt easy but got my heart rate up more with a light sweat and somewhat accelerated breathing. The second group was where the work began. Laddered up from 11 to 15 reps. Was sweating moderately, breathing harder with faster heart rate when complete. 

The third group of 5 sets were challenging. 15 reps every set was almost equal work and rest in a minute. I generally finished my reps at 28 or 29 seconds giving me 32 or 31 seconds before the next set was to begin at the top of the minute. Remember I'm doing a set every minute on the minute. When this was done I was sweating profusely and breathing like a breathing like an old steam locomotive.

Collapsed on my yoga mat to catch my breath. However, I think I rested too long. Last session my swings, a break and get ups took 27 minutes. Today I ran up to 30 minutes. It made me wonder if I skipped a set of getups? Nonetheless it was a very good training session. I'm proud of myself for not being deterred. 

While I was doing my get ups I really paid close attention to my form. I watched a couple of videos yesterday which I think really helped: Turkish Get Up Kalos-Sthenos 7 Steps and Dan John TGU Kettlebell DVD Clip. I was able to spot some breaks in form tonight and correct them. Bonus, I'm over 10K steps for the second time this week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tracy Reifkind Kettlebell Workout Two

So, a week has gone by without a formal workout until today. But once again, I took my son to his lacrosse practice at Pittman Park and decided to get in my training while most parents sat and watched. There were a handful of adults running and walking but no one was doing an intense workout like mine.

Warm Up

Walk 15:00, 0.54 miles for an average of 2.2 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each 13 minutes
The Practice
My warm up walk was pretty slow. It was super humid and hot as blazes, well for early May anyway. The last 3 or 4 minutes were basically farmer's carries of my kettlebells from my truck to the grass spot I had chosen for my training. Then on too my normal warmup circuit. I was pretty stiff to start with, but by the time I had finished the three rounds I was nice and loose and even warmer. The prying goblet squats felt especially good.

By the time I got to the main practice some clouds had rolled in and the temperature dropped a few degrees. It felt much cooler. I decided to do Tracy Reifkind's full workout #2 for my kettlebell swings. The first five sets were easy as expected, really more warming up. Second 5 sets I laddered up, adding one rep per set finishing the series at 15 reps. Felt good, not too winded but breathing hard.

As I started the third series of 5 sets I told heard Tracy in my head saying, "Just because you've reached your top reps you don't have to stay there." OK I said to myself, start with 15 reps and if you can't hack it drop down to 12 or 10 for the second set. But once I started my determination kicked in. I decided to get 15 reps for all 5 sets. I heard one of the Crossfit Games athletes I like, though I can't remember who said it, you have to decide to stay in that pain zone, you have to come to love living in that pain zone.

Once I finished I was gassed. I just collapsed on my yoga matt gasping for breath. After a couple of minutes my breathing was back to near normal and my heart rate had dropped so it was on to the Turkish get ups. These were pretty routine. Felt smooth and strong. My hips felt nice and open. I could feel my core working hard, too. All in all a great workout.

And the really cool thing? I did this routine at about the 9 hour mark of a 24 hour fast as per Eat Stop Eat. Our bodies are evolved to go long periods of time without food, while hunting and doing other work. Twenty-four hours should be child's play.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kettlebells in the Park

My youngest son had lacrosse practice this evening. I could have relaxed in my chair and watched practice like many parents. Instead I chose to train while the boys were practicing.

Warm Up

Walk 10:00, 0.4 miles for an average of 2.4 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
Normal warm up. After the walk the calisthenics took about 12 minutes. Then on to the main training. As noted I was doing this at the park. Footing was not even which probably is good. It was hot today, which is also good.

I upped the reps on swings like I planned. Seven more reps than last time. Then on to the get ups. The 25 pounder is feeling light. I should really go on and buy a 30 pounder. Or should I try the 35 pounder again? This was a great training session. I really felt good after it was done, as if I could have done a lot more. I think that is how it's supposed to be, finish up with a few more reps in the tank. Total kettlebell time 27 minutes.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Good Kettlebell Training After a Hectic Week

I haven't trained since Sunday. It was a hectic week. I considered not training this evening but better to start the month on a good note.

Warm Up

Walk 13:00, 0.56 miles for an average of 2.5 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
I thought I was walking faster than I actually was during the warm up. I need to focus a bit more on the goblet squats to really get low and pry my hips open.

Swings were as usual in the first five sets. I toyed with doing the same reps as last time in the 2nd and 3rd groups of 5 sets. But I strengthened my resolve and went up as I had planned, doing 13 reps in each of the last 3 sets of the 2nd group, and 13 reps in all 5 sets of the last group. Total reps 192.

Turkish get ups felt smooth and powerful. I wobbled on one rep but the rest were solid. I also had a twinge in my right ankle on one rep when I kinda' over extended it. I must thank Tracy Reifkind and Pavel Tsatsouline as this inspiration for this combination of their workouts. My whole body feels quite thoroughly worked.

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.