Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Must Have MacOS X Extras

So, when I started my new job I was issued a shiny new MacBook Pro 13. I asked for recommendations for must have free or open source software from some of my Mac savvy friends. Below is my current list of third party FOSS software that I use daily or frequently.

  1. iterm2 - I haven't even begun to scratch the surface on all it's capabilities.
  2. F.lux - Good for the eyes ;-)
  3. Dropbox - Important files from any location.
  4. KeePass - I love it for it's cross platform goodness. I run it on Linux, Windows, MacOSX & Android. I keep the database available to all via DropBox.
  5. ClipMenu - Just started using this. I'm a long time user of Parcellite clipboard manager in Linux land.
  6. Time Out - Helps me remember to take short breaks throughout the day. I generally use Workrave on other platforms.
  7. Chicken of the VNC - Nice way to access a GUI session via either TightVNC or X11VNC running on my CrunchBang (#!) Linux workstation when I'm not in the office. Course I mainly just ssh in from iterm2.
  8. Chrome - I know studies show Safari is faster on MacOS X, but I use chrome on Linux and Windows so why not here, too?
Given all that, what's the best way to keep all of those and a few other less crucial tools up to date? On my Debian or Ubuntu based systems it's just a matter of doing a `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' (or dist-upgrade). Voila' all my software is upgraded. I remember back in the day reading about Fink and ports for Mac OS X. Anyone using them? Got other suggestions?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gratitude Journal 20111101

I am thankful for

  1. My new-ish job at Clemson University.
  2. An automobile to drive back and forth to work.
  3. Money to buy gasoline to commute.
  4. LEB making dinner.
  5. The unofficial port of CyanogenMod 7.1 for my HTC Thunderbolt.
  6. A sunny day.
  7. Life.
  8. The ability to think and learn.
  9. The many wonderful, free resources on the internet.
  10. The ability to drive a car.
I acknowledge myself for:
  1. Abiding by our agreed upon "No electronics on Tuesday evenings."
  2. Not buying junk food out of the machine at work.
  3. Taking a 10 minute walk.
  4. Drinking water.
  5. Putting away the leftovers after dinner.
  6. Helping LEB with ice for her back.
  7. Using the inversion table.
  8. Eating a healthy dinner.
  9. Listening to an audio program while driving to work.
  10. Getting home before dark!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Health Challenges

I went for a regularly scheduled medical appointment this morning. Appointment was at 0815. I signed in at 0809. At 0840 I went up to the receptionist and notified that I had been waiting for over 30 minutes and needed to get to work, thus the 0815 appointment. They finally had a nurse take me back.

  1. Weight had increased to 259.4 (clothed) up from 257.6. I believe this was largely due to me regularly eating ice cream, almost daily in fact.
  2. Blood pressure was 140/90 which was up from 110/70 last time I was at the doctor's office, approximately 3 months ago.
  3. Blood sugar was 110. This was despite having a meal of steak and asparagus on Sunday evening and then fasting until Monday evening. I broke my fast after doing an intense workout of Intu-Flow, Kettlebell Swings and Prasara Yoga. All I ate was grilled salmon, salad and a "paleo" brownie which I think was made with almond or some other nut flour. This morning I only had black coffee and water before going to the doctor.
So, I will continue with my exercise regimen. I will be strict with my paleo eating. My goal is 240 by 15 October 2011!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Getting in Shape!

Spent last week at the beach. I swam hard in the ocean against strong waves every day. I also did kettlebell swings 3 days last week. However, I ate pretty much whatever I wanted. 

Yesterday I fasted all day and did kettlebell swings when I got home. Skipped breakfast this morning. Ate 12 chicken wings of various flavors and celery with ranch and bleu cheese dressings for lunch. Later I ate some ice cream, we had a celebration of sorts at work this afternoon. 

Next scheduled kettlebell session is Friday. According to the Four Hour Body, I should be able to get some good results with just two sessions of 75 total swings each per week. Tim Ferriss calls it the "minimum effective dose." 

Meant to post this yesterday, 20110719, but forgot to do so!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Gratitude Journal 20110718

I am thankful for or that

  1. Waking up to this beautiful day.
  2. LEB made the coffee.
  3. LEB putting gas in my car.
  4. Clean, hot water for my shower.
  5. Fresh, cold water and ice at work.
  6. My free tshirt from the city of Isle of Palms, SC.
  7. My children, GAB, CIB and MJB.
  8. A great week at the beach.
  9. My job.
  10. High speed internet.
I acknowledge myself for
  1. Cooking dinner last night.
  2. Making the bed this morning.
  3. Taking a shower.
  4. Reading good books.
  5. Brushing my teeth.
  6. Taking my medicines.
  7. Drinking water.
  8. Bringing an H2O cup to work.
  9. Bringing a coffee cup to work.
  10. Sleeping as needed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life of a Dred Nerd Resumes

After a hiatus of many years, Life of a Dred Nerd resumes. I used to self host my blog, stopped at spouse's request. Then used for quite some time. Then stopped. Let's see how I do with blogger!

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.