Saturday, February 28, 2015

Combo Tracy Reifkind with Simple and Sinister

So, to really make sense of this we have to go back a ways. I was introduced to the kettlebell swing by Tim Ferriss' post The Perfect Posterior: Kettlebell Swings and Cheap Alternatives. That post introduced me to Tracy Reifkind who is also featured in Ferriss' book The Four Hour Body. Tracy now has her own book The Swing!

I've been following Simple and Sinister by Pavel Tsatsouline.  I had just been doing 5 sets of 10 swings and 5 sets of Turkish Get Ups 1 rep per side. That didn't seem like enough volume for me to accomplish my fat and weight loss goals. After waiting a month, I bought The Swing! and read it quickly in one evening. I also found a video of her demonstrating her Workout #1.

So what is the combination? It's higher sets of swings, 15 in fact, as per Tracy combined with the Turkish Get Ups from Pavel. I started my training with a 10 minute walk. Then I went on to

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
Now, not to sell Simple and Sinister short. If I recall correctly you can go up to 10 sets of 10 swings. But today I did 15 sets of swings for 140 total reps. That's 90 more reps than I had been doing. Another nice thing was that I followed along w/ Tracy's video which helped me focus on stay with her 10 reps every minute on the minute as well as getting my 10 swings done in 15 seconds.

I think my breaks between sets before were too long. But it is also possible that I'm getting in better shape. Anyway, having the video helped keep my on track. I'm not willing to dispense with the get ups. The combination of the fast, powerful swings with the slower getups is a great combination. I'm pleased with how my body feels. I finished up with a 22:27 minute walk in which I covered 1.04 miles. I thought I was moving a little faster than that, oh well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What Is Your Excuse

What is your excuse? It's too cold? It's snowing? You can't afford a gym membership? You can't afford fancy equipment? It's dark? It's too late in the day?

Well tonight in Greenville, SC it is 32°F and feels like 25°F. It is snowing.  I don't have a gym membership. I don't have fancy equipment just some kettlebells and a yoga mat. It is dark. I didn't get home from work until 1930 hours or so. But I got my workout in. What's your excuse.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each

The Practice
I knocked it out in about 38 minutes. My workout timer, Noom Coach,  showed 43 minutes but in the midst of my training it froze and my smartphone rebooted. After waiting for it I had to start Noom and start up my music again. All of that was about 5 minutes.

I felt good despite it being cold, I just layered up. I felt good despite snow blowing in my face. I kept my form tight on the swings. I think in the fourth set my mind wandered a bit. I started thinking about work stuff. I let it go and re-focused on my training.

I got a rep on the TGUs that felt the best I had ever done. I think it was in the third set. Then my last rep in the 5th set was one of the worst I had ever done. So it goes. That is what training is all about. 
Oh, I also got in a walk at lunch, 1.51 miles in 32 minutes. That was about 2.8 mph. I would like to get up to a consistent 3 mph.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Day Kettlebell Training

Snowed today and it is 31°F and it feels like 31°F. I didn't use it as an excuse though I got out there and got my workout on. Snow didn't stick on the roads. Carport was dry.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each

The Practice

6 Minute Abs 
After my Simple and Sinister routine, 37 minutes and 6 minutes of abs, I went for a walk. Covered 1.60 miles in 33:41. It was an cold and breezy but I got along at a pretty good clip. I feel like taking a nap now!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Warm, Humid Kettlebell Training

Same old, same old. Keep it simple. Make it sinister.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
Felt good. It was 54°F and felt like 54°. Humid after rain last night. Cranked through in 37 minutes. This routine looks simple but if you really focus and push it will work you from head to toe. Thanks Pavel Tsatsouline for Simple and Sinister.

I almost skipped today. I thought I might need to take it easy after not training for nearly three weeks. But then we went over the schedule for the week and I'll really have to scramble to get in training again before next weekend so I couldn't afford to skip today. Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Back to Kettlebell Training

Yes! Back to my kettlebell training. It felt good. A little shaky to begin with but good. It was cold outside, 43°F, but not frigid like it's been the last few days. It was also cloudly but the fresh air was nice. Started out as normal with warmups.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
After the that on to the real training. I concentrated on good form and didn't try to rush. I just want to get back into the groove. I didn't lower my training weights though which is good.  The kettlebell training took about 37 minutes. I also did my ab work.

The Practice

6 Minute Abs 
After the above I went on a walk. I don't have a good record of my walk because my phone exhausted it's battery after about 25 minutes. I didn't have a full charge when I left. Also, I though my portable rapid charger was fully charged but it was exhausted, too. Oh well. I walked about 35-40 minutes. I was going kinda slow so I'll guess I covered about 1.7 miles if I go with the 40 minute estimate.

Two Consecutive Days Walking

So, 20 days ago I aggravated my old back injury.  It took about 10 days for it to calm down but towards the end of that time I caught a bad cold. I've still not completely gotten rid of that cold. I'm still blowing my knows occasionally but regularly and coughing up some phlegm very occasionally. Not sure what else to do about that.

Yesterday, despite the frigid cold and wind chill I got back out and walked. I covered 1.53 miles in 34 minutes. Got back out there today, it was still cold but not as bad as yesterday. Covered 1.52 miles in 32 minutes. On both days I also did micro sets of pushups, 3 reps, each time I returned to my cubicle from meetings, the restroom, etc.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tweaked My Back Yesterday

I tweaked my back yesterday. Should have iced it immediately but I went to the Furman University women's basketball game instead. Paying for it now. Icing now. Hopefully I'll be able to get back in the groove of training tomorrow. :-(

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.