Sunday, January 29, 2012

Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things Workout Three

Warm up was two circuts of

  1. Lying Hip Extensions 5,5
  2. Knee Pushups 5,5
  3. Two Leg Stbility Ball Leg Curls 5,5


  1. Knee Pushups 25, 22
  2. 2 Leg Chair Assisted Pullups 16, 17
  3. Wall Squats 20, 20
  4. Elevated/Incline Jack-knife press 17, 17
  5. Hand Knee Plank and Side Plank 60-30L-30R, 50-20L-30R

This was my third Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things Workout. I did better this time than last. I changed up my warm up slightly, using one from a Turbulence Training Introductory body weight routine. I finished today's workout in 36 minutes. I only took 90 second breaks between exercises. The workout is performed as two giant sets or two circuits but with the aforementioned pauses between exercises. I think I'll stay with the 90 second breaks for two or three more workouts then lower that to 75 seconds. Tomorrow I plan to do another C25K run. I think I'll run on the street tomorrow instead of a field or track. I haven't run on the street since my first C25K run nearly three weeks ago.

Couch to 5K Week Two Day Two

I didn't do any sort of organized exercise on Friday, 20120127, not even my short walks in the parking lot at work. Yesterday afternoon, 20120128, I did my scheduled run. This time I ran on the field at the Sterling School with my 9 year old son, MJB. I ran over there because it's across the street from the barbershop where my 13 year old son, CIB, was getting his hair cut. This was after MJB's basketball game, which sadly his team lost.

It was a decent run. I did 6 rounds of 90 seconds jogging alternated with two minutes of walking for 1.25 miles in 19 minutes or an average pace of 15:11 minutes per mile. Not as good as Thursday's run, during which I average 14:13 minutes per mile, but still okay.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Couch to 5K Week Two Day One

Once again, I ran my C25K workout on the football field at Eastside High while my 9 year old son was at Upward basketball practice around the corner at Brushy Creek Baptist. I began with a five minute walking warmup followed by 6 intervals of 90 seconds running and 120 seconds walking. Finished up with a six minute walking cool down. This was Week 2 Day 1 of the program.  

I got back to the BCB Gym in time to see Miles put a crossover dribble on a kid and drive to the hole for a layup like Derrick Rose. Oh, I also walked for over a mile in two short sessions during the workday. I logged 10,840 steps today. This goes right along with the base of the Primal Blueprint Fitness pyramid: Move frequently at a slow pace.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things Workout Two

I warmed up with 2 circuits of

  1. Knee pushups 2x5
  2. Prisoner squats 2x5
  3. Jumping Jacks 2x10

Then I did two rounds of the following exercises. I did As Many Reps As Possible ( AMRAP ) of each exercise. I took 2 minute of rest between each exercise, hoping to get more reps in this go around. Total times was 46 minutes. I think I'll decrease the time between sets to 90 seconds as 120 seconds was a bit too easy.

  1. Knee pushups 25, 20
  2. 2 leg assisted pullups 12, 10
  3. Wall squats 16, 15
  4. Elevated/Incline Jack-knife press 15, 12
  5. Hand-knee plank & side plank 40-30R-30L, 40-30R-30L

Sunday, January 22, 2012

PBF Sprint Workout Two

This morning, a chilly and gray morning, I walked up to the school that one of my sons attends. A short 0.7+ mile walk in 15 minutes. Once at the school, I ran intervals on the baseball field. I warmed up with 6 rounds of 30 seconds jogging at about 50% speed alternated with 90 seconds of walking.

The real workout was 6 rounds of sprinting for 15 seconds at 75-85% speed alternated with 90 seconds of walking. I took a few minutes to drink some water and catch my breath when I was done. Then I walked back home, 0.8+/- miles in 19 minutes.

I felt really good afterwards. I love sprinting hard and lifting hard. Maybe one day I'll be able to lift as hard as I did through my twenties.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things

I did two rounds of the following exercises. I did As Many Reps As Possible ( AMRAP ) of each exercise. I took 1 minute of rest between each exercise. Total times was 25 minutes.

  1. Knee pushups 20, 10
  2. 2 leg assisted pullups 12, 9
  3. Wall squats 15, 15
  4. Elevated/Incline Jacknife Press 12, 12
  5. Hand knee plank, side hand knee planks 40-25L-25R, 40-20R-20L ( these aren't reps, but seconds held in each position )
I'm not very proud of this performance. I'm just glad I did the workout. I think I had originally planned to do this workout on Wednesday, but my schedule is off this week. Still making scheduling adjustments. I think I'll sprint tomorrow and do a C25K run on Monday. Then perhaps another PBF LHT workout on Tuesday. You can find demonstrations of all the above exercises on the Mark's Daily Apple Youtube Channel.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Primal Challenge Day 19

Day 19 ( 20120120 ): Breakfast was lots of black coffee as usual. I kinda' grazed my breakfast over the course of a couple of hours. It consisted of three free-range boiled eggs, 3 or 4 slices of bacon, a bunch of raw cauliflower and a little salad w/ raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Dinner was Everyday Paleo Salisbury Steak, sweet potatoes and green beans. I drank a lot of water today. Now I'm having a combination of Crystal Light Iced Tea and Lemonade. I had two tablespoons of raw almond butter for dessert. Oh, the Salisbury Steak was made with grass-fed ground chuck. I thought it was quite tasty, but my family found it to be a bit gamey.

My only exercise thirty or so minutes of walking total. I intended to do a PBF LHT workout this evening, but I got home late and had to cook dinner. I'll get in both a LHT workout and a C25K run tomorrow.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Primal Challenge Days 16, 17 and 18

I have no idea what I ate on Day 16 ( 20120117 ). I know I was about 85% compliant with a paleo/primal way of eating.

Day 17 ( 20120118 ): Breakfast 3 egg spinach omelet and bacon. Lunch roast beef and salad. Dinner off the rails with two bowls of salad. I had some cheese as an evening snack. Only water and black coffee to drink.

Day 18 ( 20120119 ): Breakfast off the rails again. I'm on call this week and got paged this morning starting around 0430. I didn't cook breakfast but grabbed two egg McMuffin's from McDonald's on the way to work. I didn't have a lunch packed and intended to leave early this afternoon so I didn't go out for lunch either. I flirted with just fasting until lunch tomorrow but was too hungry after running this evening. Dinner was probably about 66% compliant: Ground beef/turkey in a sloppy joe sauce, large serving of green beans, baked french fries and small serving of salad. Again cheese for a snack. Only drank water and black coffee today. I drank lots of water.

Couch to 5K Week 1 Day 3

My nine year old son, MJB, had basketball practice this evening at seven at Brushy Creek Baptist Church. I took the opportunity to drive around to Eastside High School where I ran and walked on the football field. I was going to run on the track but it was hard asphalt or concrete. I wanted to give my knees a break, but even so I'm icing my knees now.

The first week's workouts consist of a five minute walking warmup which is followed by 8 rounds of jogging for sixty seconds alternated with ninety seconds of walking. The workouts are concluded with a five minute cool down walk. Here are my times for today.

Total1.15 miles18:3016:03
inc WU/CD1.53 miles28:3018:37

This was better than my workout a week ago today

Total1.05 miles18:3017:32
inc WU/CD1.49 miles28:3019:09

However it was worse than my workout back on Saturday

Total1.25 miles18:3014:46
inc WU/CD1.71 miles28:3016:36

I really should have done today's run on Tuesday or Wednesday. I ran sprints on Monday, so I figured I would wait a day before doing "distance" running. Wednesday I was just tired and still sore from my Sunday PBF LHT workout and Monday's sprints. Plus I got home from work far later than I intended.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Primal Challenge Days 14 and 15

Primal Challenge Day 14 ( 20120115 ): I honestly don't know what I ate most of yesterday. I do know that I ate two bowls of Seafood "Who Needs Rice" Jambalaya for dinner. Oh, LEB made an apple pie in the early afternoon and I couldn't resist having some. What else? Can't remember.

Primal Challenge Day 15 ( 20120116 ): I drank coffee with some sugar and condensed milk instead of my normal black coffee. Never got around to breakfast or lunch. I ate two bowls of beef stew for dinner. Not exactly primal as it had potatoes and corn among the ingredients. I also had 1 oatmeal and 1 white chocolate macadamia cookie ( LEB is on a baking spree at exactly the wrong time! ) in the mid-afternoon before heading to the movies with my sons. I drank mostly water during the day and had some Crystal Light Iced Tea/Lemonade with dinner.

Primal Blueprint Fitness Sprint Workout

I ran a total of 1.2 mi in 21 mins 56 secs and burned 238 calories as tracked by CardioTrainer. I did this using the Novice Sprint Workout from Primal Blueprint Fitness ( PBF ) which you can get from Mark's Daily Apple. I warmed up by doing six rounds alternating running at 50% speed for 30 seconds followed by walking for 30 seconds. The real work was another six rounds of sprinting at 75% speed followed by walking for 120 seconds.

I really enjoy sprinting far more than distance running. However, I know in the pursuit of overall fitness being able to run a quick 5K is important. So three of my four weekly "Move Frequently at a Slow Pace" PBF workouts will be me continuing with the Couch to 5K program.  My third workout of that program will be tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things Self Assessment

I started the 28 Day Primal Challenge, which seems to focus on the dietary portion the 30 Day Primal Challenge at Mark's Daily Apple, about two weeks ago. The only working out I did the first week was walking. I started the Couch to 5K program last Thursday and continued it yesterday. Today was my first Lift Heavy Things ( LHT ) workout of Primal Blueprint Fitness ( PBF ), really a self assessment.

I completed 1, in my opinion pitiful, round of the following exercises. But I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself as I haven't been doing any workouts other than walking for months.

  1. 14 Pushups
  2. 02 Pullups
  3. 22 Squats ( my old aching knees were the limiting factor rather than my quads or cardiovascular system )
  4. 06 Divebombers
  5. 25 seconds in the forearms/feet plank position
According to these results I will do two rounds of As Many Reps As Possible ( AMRAP ) of the following exercises on Wednesday:
  1. Knee Pushups
  2. Assisted Pullups ( 2 legs on stool or chair )
  3. Wall squats
  4. Elevated Jack Knife Press
  5. Hand/Knee Plank and Side Knee Planks
Tomorrow I will do a short sprinting workout.

No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.