Over the summer and fall I was having lots of issues with my back and hip. Kettlebells have been sitting unused, at least by me. I would occasionally pick up a pair to do a short farmers walk, but that was about it.
Over the last 64 days I've done an
Original Strength routine 48 days. I feel better. Yes, my hip still bothers me, but I don't think anything but surgery is going to fix that. Today I decided to resume my kettlebell practice.
A couple of weeks ago I bought the revised and updated edition of
Simple and Sinister. One thing I never really understood from the first edition that this one makes clear is that when you're starting on this quest, at first you should not be racing the clock. Only on after a long period of master the weights to meet the Simple, for men 32kg kettlebell for 100 swings and 10 get ups, should you begin to test for time completing the swings in 5 minutes, rest a minute then 10 get ups in 10 minutes.
I'm really going to take my time with this practice. Here's what I did today.

Warm Up
- Original Strength
- Giant Set 3 rounds 5 reps each exercise
- Assisted Air Squats
- Hip Bridges
- Halo (26lb kettlebell)
- Two Hand Swings 10x10x35lb
- Get Ups 10x1x35lb
Cool Down
- Super Set 3 rounds 30 secs each side each exercise
- 90/90 Stretch
- QL Straddle
I really took my time resting between rounds on the swings and get ups. Probably could have gone a bit faster using such a light weight. Felt pretty good. Didn't cause too much hip pain. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Warm Up was 22 minutes, Simple was 73 minutes, Cool Down was 8 minutes.