The first few times I did relatively random sessions rather than Simple and Sinister, though I did do a 60% S&S once. I decided I need to do something different, so I pulled out the manual I got when I attended a Strong First Kettlebell Course a couple of years ago. Read it over and decided to follow the following program for a few weeks, or maybe months. Gave it a first go yesterday, 20200403.

3 x (2, 3, 5) x 35lbs => 30 reps
8 Minutes 2 Squats + 10 Two Hand Swings
4 x 44lbs => 40 reps
6 Minutes of Pressing
1 x (2, 3, 5) x 35lbs
3 x (2, 3) x 35lbs => 25 reps
This is a heavy (volume) day. My next session should be light, about 50 percent volume in the same time windows. The time windows was chosen by picking a number between 6 and 10 inclusive out of a hat. The second sequence of pressing is done for the same amount of time as the first. The next practice day will be 15 reps in 6 minutes, 20 reps in 8 minutes, and 12 reps in 6 minutes.
Today, I'll just walk, do original strength resets, practice jump rope, some really light get ups, single leg deadlifts and stretch. Just light stuff to keep moving.