Monday, January 13, 2014

Cycle 4 Day 4 High Intensity Barefoot and Shirtless in the Sun

High intensity day of my fourth cycle of the BB4FL. I held my reps up steady 7 per exercise.. I'm not in good enough shape to complete 5 rounds of 10 reps per exercise yet.

Warm Up: Intu-Flow 8 minutes

Plan 5 Rounds 7 Reps per Exercise. The last three of the four exercises are 7 reps per side. Rest 15 seconds between rounds.

Frogger Level 1
Swing Split Level 1
Elevated Scorpion Level 1
Pillow Twist Level 1 w/ stool


Round 1: 5 minutes & 3 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 1: 15 seconds
Round 2: 6 minutes & 26 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 2: 1 minutes
Round 3: 5 minutes & 12 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 3: 1 minutes
Round 4: 5 minutes & 46 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 4: 2 minutes
Round 5: 6 minutes & 12 seconds, 7 reps
Total time: 32 minutes & 52 seconds

Cool Down: Prasara Yoga 14 minutes

I began my workout with an Intu-Flow warm up. I was dressed in shorts, sweatpants, a tshirt, sweatshirt, injinji socks and a pair of my Vibram Five Fingers. After the warm up I ditched my sweat shirt. Midway through the second round I ditched my shirt as I was dripping sweat.

I only took a 15 second rest between rounds 1 and 2, but it slowed down the second round so much I decided to check my workout book to see how much I rested last high intensity day. Turned out that was 90 seconds, so I compromised and decided to rest 60 seconds between rounds today. Even with the rest periods cut down to 1 minute between rounds I didn't experience any feelings of nausea which leads me to believe I'm getting more fit.

My shoulders are still the weak link on Swing Splits, particularly my right one. In the second round I decided to do the the elevated scorpions on my hands instead of forearms. This seemed to relieve some of the pressure on my shoulders in this exercise.

In the third and fourth rounds my thighs were burning during the pillow twists. In the fifth round my thighs felt dead but my delts were burning like crazy. The whole routine had me breathing like a bellows throughout. I ended up taking a two minute break between rounds 4 and 5 because my phone with which I was timing the workout, was about to run out of charge so I walked into the house to get my charger.

For the Prasara Yoga cool down I ditched my Injinji socks and VFFs. Unfortunately clouds rolled in and a breeze picked up. I started getting chilly about half way through the cool down. I feel energized and a little sore.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.