Monday, December 1, 2014

CT-50 CT01

Got a bit of a late start this morning. Didn't get up until 0630. I was close to postponing this CT-50 workout until the evening but I didn't! Go me! I looked at the requirements and saw it was only 10 minutes. Who doesn't have time to workout for 10 minutes?

3 Rounds with 10 minute time limit
  1. 20 Touch Jumps
  2. 10 Two Arm Presses
  3. 5 One-Leg Shin Taps, left
  4. 5 One-Leg Shin Taps, right
  5. 10 Two Arm Rows
  6. 20 Climber Toe Taps
I just barely squeaked in under the 10 minute mark finishing in 9 minutes and 55 seconds. The touch jumps were the thing that really got my heart racing and my lungs pumping like a bellows. In the second round my quads were burning something fierce.

I used a really light weight, a pair of 10 pound dumbbells, for the presses and rows. If I do this workout again, I'll use heavier weights. The shin taps, which are basically single leg deadlifts without weight,  were a bit of a balance challenge which surprised me because I normally have good balance.

The climber toe taps were a bit of a challenge. I need more flexibility in my whole pelvic region and legs. I think that was the main limiting factor in this exercise. I did have a bit of a breath challange but not too much.

Also, I just came back from walking 1.5 miles in 35 minutes and 8 seconds.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.