OS Reset
- Cross Crawl 20 per side
- Deep Breathing 2 minutes
- Nod 20 reps
- Roll 3 x right and left leading w/ arms
- Roll 3 x right and left leading w/ legs
- Rock x 20
- Baby Crawl x 2 minutes
- Unloaded Turkish Get Up 2 per side

- Deadlifts
- 1 x 5 x 95 lbs.
- 1 x 5 x 115 lbs.
- 1 x 5 x 135 lbs.
- 1 x 5 x 155 lbs.
- 1 x 5 x 185 lbs.
- 1 x 5 x 205 lbs.
- 1 x 5 x 205 lbs.
- Farmer Carries
- 2 x 200 steps x 70 lbs.
The crawling was a little easier today. Get Ups felt better too. I thought I had started my sets too light. But 185 was a challenge, 205 was really tough I tried 225 for my seventh set but no go so I dropped it back down to 205 and got 5. It was a struggle! My hamstrings and glutes are fried. I'm glad I didn't push to get the 225.
My warm up took 14:31. Weights took 37:16. I tried to keep my rest between sets of deadlifts at two minutes but it got longer during the last 3 or so sets. Also, my 16 year old son worked out with me. He's stronger than I am! But of course I'm hampered by my bum left hip. As for the title of this post I know I had some good dead lift form because I scraped my shin with the barbell! Tomorrow will either be a day off or bent over rows.
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