I haven't worked out for a few days, since Tuesday 21 January 2014 in fact. I ran out of blood pressure medicine on Sunday 19 January 2014. My wife went to the pharmacy that day to pick up my refill and they told her my insurance card was invalid. It was not but there was no way to solve it then. I figured I would be okay for a day or two.
Monday was a holiday. Tuesday I went back to work with the intent on contacting the insurance company during the day but I totally forgot. Wednesday I remembered to check but didn't have my insurance card with me. Thursday I had my info and called the insurance company. As I thought, no problems with the insurance. The pharmacy had just made a mistake.
By Wednesday I had started feeling bad. Slight headache and dizziness. I knew it was my BP. I should have checked it but I didn't. Got my Rx on Thursday evening started feeling better Friday evening. I woke up Saturday feeling like I was coming down with a cold. I had done a little sneezing the day before and woke up blowing my nose constantly. That led me to skip working out Saturday.
I didn't feel as sneezy and drippy today. Workout mode ON!
Warm Up:
Intu-Flow 8 minutes
Five Rounds 45 seconds per exercise with 45 seconds rest between rounds.
Frogger to Standing => 7,5,5,5,5
Swing Split to Table Thrust => 5,4,4,4,4
Side Plank to Scorpion => 5,5,5,6,6
Split Squat to Pillow Twist => 5,5,5,4,4
These five rounds took 21.5 minutes.
Cool Down:
Prasara Yoga 14 minutes
I started working out but without starting my interval timer. I didn't realize until I had done at least 7 Frogger to Standing reps. This led to 45+ seconds rest before the Swing Split to Table Thrust. This exercise is the hardest for me. After that I kept to the planned timing. I don't think I did as many reps total as last time but my technique was better.
It had warmed up to about 50°F but there was a steady breeze making it feel colder. Though I shed my sweatshirt after the first round I kept my shirt on for the entire workout. Could do the barefoot and shirtless thing today.
After I finished working out I helped bring groceries in. Then I put on a "Paleo" pot roast in the Crockpot. Once that was on I went back outside and raked and shoveled leaves into our big yard waste can for about 40 minutes. I'm quite thoroughly wiped out now.