Performance Preparation
Original Strength Reset
- Cross Crawl - 20 per side
- Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
- Head Nods - 20 reps
- Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
- Rocking - 20 reps
- Crawling - 3 minutes
1 Arm Bar per side, 1 minute each w/ 25 lbs.
Simple and Sinister
Nice warm morning. Normal performance preparation which took 18:18. Nicely loose and warm with a light sweat by the time I finished. Went on to shortened Simple and Sinister. Not pushing too hard as I just want to get back in the groove. Felt good. Swings got my breath going pretty good. Wish my respiratory system wasn't so clogged due all the pollen. Moved a little faster today on get ups but still focused on good positions and movement. Total kettlebell time 12:42. My right shoulder feels a little more sore post training than I would like. Think I'll do a little self-care for it tonight.
Simple and Sinister
- One Hand Kettlebell Swings R, L, R, L, R, L x 10 x 35 lbs
- Turkish Get Ups R, L, R, L, R, L x 1 x 25 lbs

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