I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.
Life of a Dred Nerd
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Thursday, March 3, 2022
I Decided to Use Hugo
After a little research yesterday, I decided to use the Hugo static site generator for now. It was simple to install on my Linux box. It is a single binary with no dependencies.
Today after many years I re-registered charleshbaker.com but have not yet pointed it at anything. I also bought the book, Build Websites with Hugo.
I also had a coaching call with a friend who does business and career coaching and counseling. Not much but a little progress. Trying to figure out what to do with my career going forward.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Wow! Two Years without a Post!
I'm not going to write about workouts this time but my job. For the last 23 years I've been a programmer and sysadmin. The last few years with no conscious decision on my part I became a team lead, a manager and now a senior manager. What I do now is not what I got into computers for. I'm not enjoying and the demands of my job leave little time to do the things I enjoyed, writing code and running servers (servers being shorthand for servers, networks, storage, websites, mail, dns, etc.). I also feel like my skills have atrophied.
So, to get my skills back in line I'm going to work on a few little projects. The first will be to choose a static website generator and host a simple website in AWS S3. I'm going to document what I do here. Maybe this little journey will lead me back to being an individual contributor or embark on the consulting path. We'll see.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Direction Shift
The first few times I did relatively random sessions rather than Simple and Sinister, though I did do a 60% S&S once. I decided I need to do something different, so I pulled out the manual I got when I attended a Strong First Kettlebell Course a couple of years ago. Read it over and decided to follow the following program for a few weeks, or maybe months. Gave it a first go yesterday, 20200403.

3 x (2, 3, 5) x 35lbs => 30 reps
8 Minutes 2 Squats + 10 Two Hand Swings
4 x 44lbs => 40 reps
6 Minutes of Pressing
1 x (2, 3, 5) x 35lbs
3 x (2, 3) x 35lbs => 25 reps
This is a heavy (volume) day. My next session should be light, about 50 percent volume in the same time windows. The time windows was chosen by picking a number between 6 and 10 inclusive out of a hat. The second sequence of pressing is done for the same amount of time as the first. The next practice day will be 15 reps in 6 minutes, 20 reps in 8 minutes, and 12 reps in 6 minutes.
Today, I'll just walk, do original strength resets, practice jump rope, some really light get ups, single leg deadlifts and stretch. Just light stuff to keep moving.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Simple Quest Session Three

- Original Strength
- Giant Set 3 rounds 5 reps each exercise
- Assisted Air Squats
- Hip Bridges
- Halo (26lb kettlebell)
- One Hand Swings 10x10x35lb
- Get Ups 10x1x35lb
S&S 20191218

- Original Strength
- Giant Set 3 rounds 5 reps each exercise
- Assisted Air Squats
- Hip Bridges
- Halo (26lb kettlebell)
- One Hand Swings 10x10x35lb
- Get Ups 10x1x35lb
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Simple and Sinister Revised
Over the last 64 days I've done an Original Strength routine 48 days. I feel better. Yes, my hip still bothers me, but I don't think anything but surgery is going to fix that. Today I decided to resume my kettlebell practice.
A couple of weeks ago I bought the revised and updated edition of Simple and Sinister. One thing I never really understood from the first edition that this one makes clear is that when you're starting on this quest, at first you should not be racing the clock. Only on after a long period of master the weights to meet the Simple, for men 32kg kettlebell for 100 swings and 10 get ups, should you begin to test for time completing the swings in 5 minutes, rest a minute then 10 get ups in 10 minutes.
I'm really going to take my time with this practice. Here's what I did today.

Warm Up
- Original Strength
- Giant Set 3 rounds 5 reps each exercise
- Assisted Air Squats
- Hip Bridges
- Halo (26lb kettlebell)
- Two Hand Swings 10x10x35lb
- Get Ups 10x1x35lb
- Super Set 3 rounds 30 secs each side each exercise
- 90/90 Stretch
- QL Straddle
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Armor Building

Started out with my normal movement prep.
Movement Prep Giant Sets
- Goblet Squats 3x5x35lbs
- Hip Bridge(Raise) 3x5
- Kettlebell Halo 3x5 per direction 35lbs.
- Super Sets
- 90/90 Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
- QL Straddle Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
- Bretzel 1 minute per side
- Bretzel 2.0 1 minute per side
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Grunt Work Re-test

Today I tried it again. Same weights. Differences, today I did it in the early afternoon instead of after work. It was much hotter today (94F vs 80F). I trained in a fasted state. I did the same movement prep I usually do for my Simple and Sinister training whereas I did no warm up last time.
Movement Prep Giant Sets
- Assisted Squats 3x5
- Hip Bridge(Raise) 3x5
- Kettlebell Halo 3x5 per direction 35lbs.
- Plank 3x30 secs
- 90/90 Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
- QL Straddle Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
Memorial Day Original Strength and Short Walks
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sunday Test Day
of the year to that point! Did lots of outdoor work. Expected to be sore and tired on Sunday, but I wasn't! I chalk that up to the last month of Simple and Sinister training on average every other day. Since I wasn't sore or tired I went forward with my planned test: 80 one handed swings in 4 minutes or less, 1 minute break, 8 get ups in 8 minutes or less.
- Assisted Squats 3x5
- Hip Bridge(Raise) 3x5
- Kettlebell Halo 3x5 per direction 35lbs.
8/10 Simple and Sinister
- One Hand Swings 8x10x16kg
- Get Ups 8x1x16kg
- 90/90 Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
- QL Straddle Stretch 3x30 seconds per side
No Progress Yesterday
I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.
After seven simple and sinister sessions yesterday I decided to do something a little different. I tried the following workout from Grunt Wo...
Trained on schedule, as in only one day off since last session. This is my sixth session since I started this program on 20 April 2019. Shou...