Wednesday, September 26, 2012

20120926 Lift Heavy Things

Today's workout began with nine minute Intu-Flow warmup routine from The Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. I followed that with the following giant set warm up as I need to be particularly careful to get fully warmed up and loosened up before tackling any real work. I did two sets of five reps each. The brief warm up giant set came from Turbulence Training.
  • Lying Hip Extensions
  • Knee Push Ups
  • Stability Ball Leg Curls
I then did two circuits of the following exercise which are from the Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things program. I rested for thirty to sixty seconds between exercises.

  1. Knee Push Ups 25, 18
  2. 2 Leg Assisted Pull Ups 20, 20
  3. Assisted Squats 30, 35
  4. Elevated Jack Knife 25, 25
  5. Knee-Hand Plank & Side Planks 60-35L-35R, 60-35R-35L (seconds)
Total time on calisthenics was thirty-two and a half minutes. Two minutes longer than last time, but I did more reps or time on almost every exercise of the work sets. I'm a little disappointed with my push up performance. The goal is two sets of 50. I did increase reps on each set by 3 and 2 respectively.

I feel much better about my pull up performance as the goal here is two sets of twenty reps each. I did that, but I had to pause and shake out my arms a couple of times to get 20. Next time I want to get 20 uninterrupted reps. I didn't check my number of reps for the squats before I started. I thought 30 reps in the first set would beat last week, but it only tied last week. I did get 35 reps the second set. Major challenge with high rep body weight squats is cardiovascular conditioning. Te overall goal for squats is two sets of 50 reps.

On the elevated jack knives I got two sets of 25 reps which met the goal. However, as with the pull ups I had to pause and shake out my arms a couple of times. Next week 25 reps without a pause! I also did better on the planks increasing from 55-30-30 to 60-35-35. I completed my workout with a fifteen minute Prasara Yoga cool down routine. I increased the hold time in each pose from 30 to 35 seconds. The goal is 60 seconds per posture.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.