Thursday, March 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Seems that the course of a seven day week doing Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things workouts two days, Couch To 5K running three days, and sprinting one day was too much for my body. So, I'm going to stretch those workouts out over twelve days. I will do one of those various types of workouts every other day.

On Tuesday 20120228 I ran sprints. I drove up to the elemenatary school where I ran a couple series of intervals on the softball field. The first series was six sets of running for 30 seconds at 50% speed alternated with 60 seconds of walking. This was followed up with six sets of running for 15 seconds at 75-90% speed alternated with 80 seconds walking.

Today my warm up is 2 giant sets of the following exercises, five reps per exercise.
  1. Lying Hip Extensions
  2. Knee Push Ups
  3. Stability Ball Leg Curls
The real work out was two circuits of the following five exercises.
  1. Knee Push Ups 22, 15
  2. Pull Ups 15, 15
  3. Assisted Squats 20, 20 
  4. Elevated Jack Knife 20, 
  5. Knee-Hand Plank & Side Planks 45-30L-30R,   45-30R-30L
I think I did a pretty good job considering it had been eleven days since my last PBF LHT workout. I finished up in thirty-six minutes. I will pick up the pace next time and get that down to 30 minutes total.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.