Monday, March 23, 2015

Tried Tracy Reifkind #2 Again Same Result

I tried to move on to Tracy Reifkind's Kettlebell Workout #2. I just felt like I could do it, but once again I wasn't quite ready. But let me put down the details and then I'll talk about my performance.

Warm Up

Walking 12:39 minutes, 0.56 miles. That's 2.67 mph, I want to be able to consistently walk at 3.0 mph or better.

Warm Up Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each
The Practice
I didn't have time for a finishing walk. I needed to finish cooking dinner. After the warmup walk, the warm up circuits took just over another 12 minutes. Then on to the kettlebell training.

I felt so good, so in control after the first five sets of kettlebell swings that I was sure I could handle workout #2. However, by the sets 9 and 10 my lower back was tightening up some and I didn't have enough time to catch my breath. I dropped back down to 10 reps for the final 5 sets. All of these sets are done on the minute, so I only have rest from the end of one set to the beginning of the next minute.

After the swings I moved on as usual to turkish get ups. By the middle of the third set I was on the verge of nausea but I kept going. I took deep breaths and was able to suppress that feeling. I completed the kettlebell training in 30 minutes. 

By the way I was training outside in the carport. It was a nice, warm sunny day. By the time I walked back in the house I could feel muscular exhaustion all the way from my feet up to my traps. I could hardly believe how pumped my calves felt. My abs, my whole core, was feeling super tight. It's crazy how two simple exercises can have such an almost total body effect.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.