Thursday, July 23, 2015

102 Degree Heat Index

By the time I goofed around, lazed around, helped cook breakfast, washed dishes and did some laundry it was about the hottest part of the day. The heat index was up to 102 degrees. And there I was beginning my kettlebell training like a crazy man. But I survived as evidenced by this post!

Warm up walk 17:02 minutes for 0.63 miles and an average speed of 2.2 mph.

Calisthenic Circuits 5 reps per exercise, 16:04 minutes.
Man the heat made this very hard. I stubbornly trained outside. I did have a powerful electric fan aiding the nice ocean breeze. But still. It was HOT. I could feel my grip being challenged around set 12 or 13 and it just kept getting hard. I kept drying off my hands and the bell. I made it through the full 20 minutes, with the final 5 sets being 20 reps each as prescribed in Tracy Reifkind's Workout #3. I hope it will be much easier to complete this workout back at home. We'll see.

I took a really long break between the swings, probably about 5 minutes. I was just too hot and exhausted to hold that break down to one minute. I motored on through the getups after that break but it still took me another 20+ minutes. So very hot. Total time 50 minutes.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.