Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A WOD Full of SUCK

That's how one of the other members of Distinct Crossfit described yesterday's workout, "A WOD Full of SUCK!" I got to the box late. I went home first to make sure my son had gotten home okay from his first day on his new job! Congrats Isaiah!

Anyway, people hard already begun the warm up when I got there so I only got in two rounds of it.

Start up
20 jax
10 PVC jerk
10 jump pull ups

Strict Press
Week 2
Pull chart for loads

Oly skill
5 pressing snatch balance after every round of strict press
45/35 or lighter

800m run
S2OH 105/75
Pull ups

Lacrosse ball shoulders/back
Lacrosse glute
1 min banded IT stretch per
1 min band hammy per side

There were a lot of people at the 1815 class yesterday. I ended up working in on the strict press with two younger guys who are not as strong as I am. This also threw me a bit behind the class because I had to increase the weights they were using after each of their sets. My strict press was 3@110#, 3@125# and 5@140#. Coach Derrick said he thought I had three more reps in me for that max set. I could feel my low back protesting a bit which is why I stopped. I need to get a weightlifting belt that fits my currently and temporarily big gut.

The snatch balance was quite hard, first off my shoulders were tired and my heels were coming off the floor and pitching me forward. I think it was due to lack of mobility in my hips and ankles. Got to to work on those areas.

The metcon was a KILLER! Running outdoors on pavement, in the heat and humidity, going up and down even slight hills is a lot different that running indoors on a treadmill with no change of incline set up. Sunday I was able to run 1600M w/o stopping or walking at all on the treadmill. Yesterday I had to walk a two or three times to complete the 800M. Once again I was the last one back from the run by a long stretch. Oh and those young guys that I'm stronger than? They are way, way better at running, metcons and bodyweight movements than I am.

Then we were on to 3 round of Shoulder Two Over Head supersetted with Pull Ups. First round reps were 21 of each movement, 2nd round 15 reps each, 3rd round 9 reps. Remembering how a workout partner, Tyrone aka Tynado had me scale down the weight on power cleans the day before, I scaled the S2OH weight down to 95#. I can't yet do good pull ups so I did jumping pullups. I had to break the 21 and 15 rep rounds down into smaller chunks.

I'm so used to doing strict movements that I did my first round of S2OH strictly before I noticed that everyone else was doing a "push press", dipping a bit at the knees and using their legs to help get the weight up. Believe you me, I did push presses the 2nd and 3rd rounds.  I almost went unbroken on the round of 9, I had to wipe my sweaty hands after 3 reps of pull ups but I got the final 6 unbroken and I did the 9 S2OH unbroken with Coach Derrick urging me on.

I finished in 15:25. It really was a KILLER! There was one guy, older than most but I don't think he's older than me, still doing banded pull ups when I finished. Banded pull ups are harder than jumping pull ups, so I had an advantage. Plus I'm pretty sure he used the Rx weight for the S2OH.

 I didn't do the prescribed finisher. I did use a foam roller on my back and hip flexors. I also did my Prasara Yoga cool down routine. This was my fourth day in a row working out. I was feeling really beat down. I took a "Contrast Shower", which I read about on Confessions of a Crossfit Coach, in order to help speed my recovery when I got home. I also iced my back and right shoulder. By the time I had finished dinner my left hip socket was hurting so bad I could barely walk.

My doctor says the cartilage is just all rough and worn in there and there is nothing to be done about it. I'm not yet a candidate for hip replacement and hope I'll never be. The more weight I lose the less it should bother me and the only way to lose the weight is to move more and eat better and moving more just makes it hurt. So I've just got to suck it up and keep moving. However, I will be taking today off to give these aching joints a chance to settle down.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.