Friday, August 15, 2014

Filthy Fifty

Once again I barely got to the box in time to change let alone do my extra intu-flow warm up. I almost skipped today's workout. I knew it was going to be hard but I told myself I wouldn't skip WODs that hit my weaknesses. The really weak parts for me would be the burpees and double-unders at the end. Yesterday we did a total of 24 burpees in 3 rounds of 8 during the warmup and that was hard enough. I also talked to my daughter Gabrielle and she encouraged me not to skip. Also, I was supposed to be working out with Tyrone at the 1715 class but he didn't SHOW UP!

Start Up
50 Jax
10 Plyo
10 Pass Through
10 Halo ea. side

'Filthy Fifty'
50 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings 35/20
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knee to Elbow
50 Push Press 45/35
50 Back Extension
50 Wall-balls 20/14
50 Burpees
50 Double-unders


The warm up warm up definitely got a light sweat going. Only problem was I could feel some little twinges in my left knee during the jumping jacks (jax) which is odd as it hasn't been bothering me. Anyway, I made it through the warm up.

I decided step-ups to the 20" box would be a better option for me today after trying a couple of jumps as we were setting up for the Filthy Fifty. I checked with Coach Ryan and he said that would be an acceptable scale. I got through the jumping pull-ups and kettlebell swings using the Rx 35# bell in sets of 10. Walking lunges were kinda hard. By this time I was breathing like an old steam locomotive. Plus my left knee still wasn't happy and my hip flexors have been tight for a week.

I couldn't quite do Knee to Elbow and had to do hanging knee ups bringing my knees above the waist. I did sets of ten to 40 when my abs started cramping up. I finished it with 3-3-4 to get to 50 reps. I was able to crank through the push press in sets of 10 reps. Back extensions sucked. I was trying to be careful of my "delicate" back. I haven't done these in ages. I was surprised by how much my hamstrings were involved. Perhaps I didn't have the machine adjusted properly. I didn't stick to a sane rep scheme, I just made it through anyway I could. By this time I was pouring sweat.

Wall balls I did in sets of 5. I really had to focus on squatting low which of course makes my left hip hurt. And finally the burpees. I was so tired and my shoulders were so beat down that I could only do 2 or 3 reps at a time. This really, really sucked but somehow I did 50 reps. I asked Coach Ryan if there was a time cap in the middle of them but he said just keep going. Finish it up. I was hoping he would cut me off before the jump rope.

I can't do single unders consistently let alone double unders. I kept trying and was occasionally able to string together 2 or 3 single unders in a row. I stopped at 50 but I had so many missed attempts that it was probably close to the called for 100 single-unders for those who can't do double-unders. I finished in a woeful 46:38. After a few minutes to recover, I did my Prasara Yoga cool down as the finisher called for stretching.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.