Sunday, June 7, 2015

Grip Failing Before the Rest of Me

Had a really good training session today. Started out by doing some yard work first. My wife was cutting bushes so I took our yard waste can over to the side of the house where she was working and filled it up with cut branches. It was somewhere in the mid 80s degrees Fahrenheit. It took about 30 minutes so I was nice and sweaty when I finished.

I started not to take a warm up walk since I had just done the yard work. But I went on took the walk. Then I proceeded with my normal warm up.

Warm Up Walk 0.69 miles in 16:41 minutes.

FMS Corrective Exercises 16:43 and Calisthenic Circuits 14:26 minutes. Total 31:09.

The Practice

So, the swings. I'm getting better cardiovascular fitness. The part of me that gives out first seems to be my grip. I could feel some grip fatigue after the 10th set, the set of 15 reps. By the time I finished the 15th set my grip was really about fried. But I kept going.

I think around the 17th set I paused my timer and Tracy Reifkind's video of Workout #3 and took a few extra seconds to breathe and shake my arms. Then I pressed on. I completed my final five sets at 20 reps each.

I did seven sets of Turkish Get Ups as planned. Not nearly as wobbly. At least one time my outstretched leg came up off the floor. Also, my half raised leg has a tendency to sort of collapse inward as I'm in the rolling up phase. I need to correct that. I think my hand and arm position is getting better, more solid. I finished my kettlebell work in 38:09. Three minutes better than my previous training session. I did 305 reps, which is two more than the prior session as well.

And just so you'll know that I wasn't kidding about how wet my shirt today I was wearing a shirt from the Furman Sports Medicine Center that apparently has painted on letters. After I collapsed on the ground at the end of my workout this is what I saw when I got up. You can see the mirror image of most of the words that are on the back of the shirt to the right: Discipline, Attitude, Backbone. That's some sweat for ya! BTW, I'm at 8225 steps for the day. I don't know if I'll reach 10K or not before bedtime, but I think I've put in plenty of work today.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.