Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thanks to Tim Ferriss Triple H and HalfSizeMe Heather

Sunday we went on a long, long (for me) hike in the mountains. It was fun but it took a lot out of me and made me very sore in the feet and calves, and to a lesser extent in my low back and hip flexors. This hike was in lieu of my scheduled kettlebell training. I was too sore for kettlebells on Monday but did do some exercise.

I'm on call this week and wouldn't you know it, in the wee hours of Tuesday morning I was paged and up for 2 or 3 hours. I slept in after that, but not enough. I went into the office in the afternoon and worked later than normal. When I got home around 1900 hours I changed into my workout clothes and stretched out on my bed for a few minutes listening to an inspirational weight loss oriented podcast, Half Size Me, by Heather Robertson. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes listening to it.

I woke up feeling somewhat more refreshed but kinda' not wanting to train. I rewound the episode of Half Size Me to the point where I fell asleep and started listening again. I also thought about an interview with Triple H, of WWE fame, by Tim Ferriss in which Triple H talked about how he never missed a day of training even when traveling and currently trains at 2200 hours after a full day's work as an executive for WWE. I decided to at least go for a walk and before I knew it I was feeling even better and got down to my kettlebell training.

Warm Up Walk 0.60 miles in 14:05 for average speed of 2.5 mph.

FMS Corrective Exercises and Calisthenic Circuits 30:13 minutes.

The Practice
So, my kettlebell training took 48:37 minutes. That's 10 minutes longer than last time. I did 299 reps of swings with the same weight as opposed to 292, and one more set of get ups. All as planned. However, I think I took a much longer break between swings and get ups, on the order of 4 or 5 minutes versus 2.5. I think I'll chalk that up to residual tiredness from the on call work and the long weekend hike.

Overall it was a good training session. I focused more on getting the hip hinge better and could absolutely feel more of a good ache in my hamstrings and glutes when I finished. The higher volume or reps, still every minute on the minute, combined with the additional 5 minutes required for the 4th group of 5 sets really had my heart racing, lungs pumping and sweat pouring.

I occasionally got a little wobbly on the turkish get ups. I think that was due to the accumulated fatigue and the fact that I'm really trying to focus on proper hand, arm and shoulder position on the hand/arm holding the kettlebell. Getting better every time! Also, I ended the day w/ 9246 steps.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.