Warm Up Giant Sets
- Assisted Squats 3x5
- Hip Bridge(Raise) 3x5
- Kettlebell Halo 3x5 per direction 25lbs.
- Bird Dog 3x5
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 10x10x44lbs
- Turkish Get Ups 5x1x35lbs / side
Cool Down
- 90/90 Stretch 60 seconds per side
- Shin Box Switch 1 minute
- QL Straddle - 90 seconds total
Even with the cooler than normal temps I still managed to work up a good sweat. I love how such a simple, brief routine can get me sweating and get my heart rate up. The last 10 minutes of this 21 minute session had my heart rate between 70% and 80% of maximum. Good stuff.

Back to kettlebell practice, focused on "crushing the walnut" with my ass cheeks and really flexing and engaging my whole body at the top of the swing when the bell was floating. Tight abs, tight quads, tight glutes, tight everything, full hip extension. Get ups felt super light and easy. Really tempted to start upping the weight but I'll wait until next week. This week, first week with full 5 sets per side, I'll just focus on form, form, form. Total kettlbell time 21:12 minutes.
I shortened my cool down as someone asked me to teach them how to do kettlebell swings. But I still did the all the moves, just for shorter time each. Total cool down 5 minutes.