After three full days off it is time to check progress. I meant to only take one day off but work got crazy.
Intu-Flow warm up: 7.75 minutes
Max Chin-ups: 1.25
3 Minute rest
Max Push-ups: 13
3 Minute rest
Max Squats: 33
3 Minute rest
Then Six Minute Abs
Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
CVE 1 x 10
I'm really disappointed with my progress on the chin-ups. I got one full chin-up, then half way up into second but couldn't get my chin to the bar. I know as I lose weight the chin-ups will get easier but come on! I won't give up. This just means I'll need to stay at level one of 7 Weeks to 50 Pull-Ups routine.
I got 13 push ups. I think I might have been able to do a couple more though it felt like my triceps were on fire. I will push harder next go around. Thirteen is pretty good but also keeps me at level one of the 100 Push-ups routine.
The squats were pretty good. My quads were burning at 30 reps but I pushed on to 33. I might have been able to get to 35. I'll push harder next time. This means I stay on level two of the 200 Squats routine.
I kept my reps very slow on the Myotatic Crunches. Even though I was focusing on slow movement as my abs got fatigued I know I sped up some. But my abs are getting stronger. The CVEs make for a super burn all through my core.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Exercise in the Sun
Well part of my exercise was done in the sun and I'm sitting out in the sun in my backyard typing up this post, too. I started out indoors with an Intu-Flow warm up. Then, since I don't have a place to do chin ups outside I alternated rounds inside and outside. Inside for chins, outside for Australians.
Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL 8 minutes.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull-up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 6, Australian Pull up 5, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 5,7,5,5 max ( at least 8)
Squats 16,18,13,13, max ( at least 21 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 6, Australian Pull up 5, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 5,7,5,5 max => 10
Squats 16,18,13,13, max => 25
6 minute Abs:

Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull-up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 6, Australian Pull up 5, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 5,7,5,5 max ( at least 8)
Squats 16,18,13,13, max ( at least 21 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 6, Australian Pull up 5, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 5,7,5,5 max => 10
Squats 16,18,13,13, max => 25
6 minute Abs:
- Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
- Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
Prasara Yoga Recovery Routine 12 minutes
I didn't resist working out today. In fact I was looking forward to it. Doing the Australians outside let me set the bar at the proper height. There is a corner of the fence in the backyard that is just right for me to position a metal bar to do these inverted rows. I got a much better range of motion than using the indoor pull up bar with my feet on a stool.
Since I still wasn't hitting the required number of push ups for my max set, with good form and without pausing for several seconds between clusters of reps, I dropped down again to level one. Very ego bruising but probably better in the long run. I also dropped down to level two for my squats. I figured part of the problem with the push ups might have been how winded I was getting from the very high rep squats. Sure enough I got my 10 solid, unbroken reps for my max set of push ups.
Again with the six minute abs routine from the Four Hour Body. The calisthenic workout took 24 minutes. Once I was done with that I intended to do the Prasara Yoga cool down routine from BB4FL but mistakenly did the Prasara recovery routine. I didn't realize I was doing the wrong series of poses until I was almost done!
Adding up the time from all components of this workout and I'm at 44 minutes. That's pretty decent. If I actually do the longer cool down routine on calisthenics days it will push the total time up past 50 minutes. It might be better time-wise to do the cool down on days when I walk. I really want to try to get my calisthenics in before going to work during the week so keeping the total time under 45 minutes is crucial for that.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Why Do I Resist Working Out
Why do I resist working out? Nearly every workout I have to talk myself into doing it. I know all the benefits. I always feel good when I'm done. Yet as of late there is always this initial resistance. I got down to it though.
Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL 8 minutes.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 3, Australian Pull-up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 3, Australian Pull up 4, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 10,12,9,9 max ( at least 13)
Squats 19,22,16,16, max ( at least 23 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 10,12,9,9 max => 5,4,4
Squats 19,22,16,16, max => 25
6 minute Abs:
Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL 8 minutes.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 3, Australian Pull-up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 3, Australian Pull up 4, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 10,12,9,9 max ( at least 13)
Squats 19,22,16,16, max ( at least 23 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 10,12,9,9 max => 5,4,4
Squats 19,22,16,16, max => 25
6 minute Abs:
- Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
- Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
I actually took a two minute rest between rounds 3 and 4 by accident. Level two still might be high for me on push ups. I make it through the first four rounds pretty well but I'm totally out of gas on the fifth round. I might need to go through week two twice to make sure I really progress as I should. Plus, the pull up program is 7 weeks long whereas the push up and squat programs are 6 weeks long.
My right pec and shoulder are both a little extra sore. I probably should do more mobility and flexibility exercises for both. A little ice after my shower wouldn't hurt either. I did my crunches slowly again. They can be incredibly hard. The CVEs really make my whole core feel extra tight. I've got to tighten up my diet so I can start shedding pounds and fat.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Tired But Worked Out
I haven't been able to go to sleep until after midnight the past two nights. I was sleepy all day today. And I had to drive back to Greenville from Clemson and straight to EHS to pick up my son from lacrosse practice. By the time I got home it was 1915. I somehow managed to get myself to workout anyway.
Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull-up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 9,11,8,8 max ( at least 11)
Squats 19,19,13,13, max ( at least 20 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 9,11,8,8 max => 8 pause 3
Squats 19,19,13,13, max => 25
6 minute Abs:
Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull-up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 9,11,8,8 max ( at least 11)
Squats 19,19,13,13, max ( at least 20 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 9,11,8,8 max => 8 pause 3
Squats 19,19,13,13, max => 25
6 minute Abs:
- Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
- Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
I need to either get up earlier in the morning to workout or to get home earlier. I say this because I have a bar I can position perfectly for Australians outside. Today it was so dark out, I decided to just do them on my chin-up bar with my feet on a stool. However, it was not the optimal height to all a full range of motion.
Push-ups were pretty hard even on level 2. Perhaps my dips from yesterday took something away from my push-up power today. Squats were OK, more a challenge of getting my wind than my legs giving out. I did slow down on the crunches and barely made it to my 10 reps. By the time I finished the CVE my core was super tight.
Now I've had dinner and I'm exhausted. Shower time! Maybe I'll get to sleep before midnight tonight.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Chilly Walk Dips and Yoga
I left the office at CUICAR where I work a couple of days a week at about 1545 in order to pick up my oldest son so I could take him to lacrosse practice. Instead of driving home, I decided to take a walk making a big loop around neighborhoods near the high school.
I completed my planned route in about 50 minutes. Practice had another hour to go, so I walked down to the practice field from the parking lot. I sat in the bleachers and watched the remainder of practice occasionally getting up to do some dips on the bleacher rails. Walking to and from the practice field got me up to an hour of walking and 2.6 miles.
After practice it was time to head home. I was only at home briefly because then it was time to take my youngest son to Tae Kwon Do class. I didn't attempt any exercise at the TKD School but rather sat and read. However after we got home and ate dinner I did do the Prasara Yoga recovery routine from BB4FL. It only took 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
My body feels nice and stretched out and relaxed. And walking didn't hurt today. I was a little uncomfortable climbing the last long hill but otherwise I felt pretty good.
I completed my planned route in about 50 minutes. Practice had another hour to go, so I walked down to the practice field from the parking lot. I sat in the bleachers and watched the remainder of practice occasionally getting up to do some dips on the bleacher rails. Walking to and from the practice field got me up to an hour of walking and 2.6 miles.
After practice it was time to head home. I was only at home briefly because then it was time to take my youngest son to Tae Kwon Do class. I didn't attempt any exercise at the TKD School but rather sat and read. However after we got home and ate dinner I did do the Prasara Yoga recovery routine from BB4FL. It only took 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
My body feels nice and stretched out and relaxed. And walking didn't hurt today. I was a little uncomfortable climbing the last long hill but otherwise I felt pretty good.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Four Minute Abs
Earlier today I did my main workout consisting of chin-ups, push-ups and air squats. I postponed my direct ab work until just now so I could go to the Piedmont Humanist meeting almost on time.
- Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
- Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
Total time just four minutes. Brief but intense. Then back to our regularly scheduled programming. I must admit that I should slow down more on the crunches as in the linked video. The CVE's are also known as kneeling ab vacuums.
Scaled Back on Push Ups
Since I could not complete the required reps for level three of the 100 pushups routines last time. I scaled back to level two. I kept on level one for chin ups and level three for squats. I started out with the Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 60 second rest between rounds
Chin-ups Assisted 4,5,5 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negtative
Push-ups 8,10,7,7 max ( at least 10)
Squats 15,20,13,13, max ( at least 18 )
Actual: 5 rounds, 1st rest was 60 seconds, the other three rest periods were 90 seconds.
Chin-ups Assisted 4,5,5 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negative
Push-ups 8,10,7,7, => 5,3,2 max set w/ pauses
Squats 15,20,13,13, => 22 max set
I postponed the ab portion of my workout so I could make the Piedmont Humanist meeting. I'll get it in later today.
Chins are still very, very hard. The negative and max hang/negative are really pitiful. They will get better in time. Even though I stepped back on the pushup routine, I still struggled to get 10 reps on the last. Squats were right on target. Cardiovascular distress was the main reason I stopped at 22 reps on the squats.
The Intu-Flow warm up took 7 minutes. The calisthenics giant set took 13 minutes and 41 seconds. Add on the six minute abs routine and that's still under 30 minutes total. On days when I'm not pressed for time it would be good to add on the Prasara Yoga cool down and the whole thing will still be under 45 minutes.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 60 second rest between rounds
Chin-ups Assisted 4,5,5 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negtative
Push-ups 8,10,7,7 max ( at least 10)
Squats 15,20,13,13, max ( at least 18 )
Actual: 5 rounds, 1st rest was 60 seconds, the other three rest periods were 90 seconds.
Chin-ups Assisted 4,5,5 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negative
Push-ups 8,10,7,7, => 5,3,2 max set w/ pauses
Squats 15,20,13,13, => 22 max set
I postponed the ab portion of my workout so I could make the Piedmont Humanist meeting. I'll get it in later today.
Chins are still very, very hard. The negative and max hang/negative are really pitiful. They will get better in time. Even though I stepped back on the pushup routine, I still struggled to get 10 reps on the last. Squats were right on target. Cardiovascular distress was the main reason I stopped at 22 reps on the squats.
The Intu-Flow warm up took 7 minutes. The calisthenics giant set took 13 minutes and 41 seconds. Add on the six minute abs routine and that's still under 30 minutes total. On days when I'm not pressed for time it would be good to add on the Prasara Yoga cool down and the whole thing will still be under 45 minutes.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Walking Should NOT Hurt

I think this aching is the result of various joint injuries playing football and basketball, lifting heavy weights for years and being more or less overweight for years. It is imperative that I shed pounds and take pressure off my joints.
Earlier today I did an Intu-Flow recovery routine from the BB4FL. I think I will alternate between Intu-Flow and Prasara Yoga on the days when I'm not doing my back to basics workout. Oh, the snow is almost gone!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Overestimated Pushup Ability
Still on the basic routine. Last time I thought I had chosen my level for squats and pushups poorly. Turns out I overestimated my ability to do pushups.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 60 second rest between rounds
Chinups Assisted 3,5,4 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negtative
Pushups 10,12,8,8, max ( at least 12)
Squats 13,16,13,13, max ( at least 16 )
Actual: 5 Rounds with 60 second rest between rounds
Chinups Assisted 3,5,4 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negative
Pushups 10,12,8,8, 8
Squats 13,16,13,13, 20
Myotatic Crunch 1x10
CVE 1x10
As you can see I failed to get the required number of reps on my max rep pushup set. I had to rest/pause to even get 8. In fact it was a struggle to get 8 reps on the 4th set. Squats were fine. So it looks like on my next workout I need to use level 1 for chinups, level 2 for pushups and level 3 for squats. I probably would have known this if I had actually done the tests before starting the routines as recommended. Too impatient and head strong!
The four hour body ab routine makes my abs burn every time even with such low reps and sets. The key to visible abs is diet not endless sets of crunches and other ab work.
Plan: 5 Rounds with 60 second rest between rounds
Chinups Assisted 3,5,4 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negtative
Pushups 10,12,8,8, max ( at least 12)
Squats 13,16,13,13, max ( at least 16 )
Actual: 5 Rounds with 60 second rest between rounds
Chinups Assisted 3,5,4 then 1 negative and 1 max hang/negative
Pushups 10,12,8,8, 8
Squats 13,16,13,13, 20
Myotatic Crunch 1x10
CVE 1x10
As you can see I failed to get the required number of reps on my max rep pushup set. I had to rest/pause to even get 8. In fact it was a struggle to get 8 reps on the 4th set. Squats were fine. So it looks like on my next workout I need to use level 1 for chinups, level 2 for pushups and level 3 for squats. I probably would have known this if I had actually done the tests before starting the routines as recommended. Too impatient and head strong!
The four hour body ab routine makes my abs burn every time even with such low reps and sets. The key to visible abs is diet not endless sets of crunches and other ab work.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Long Walk in the Snow
Set off for a walk this morning. We have several inches of snow on the ground. Thanks to my sister, Charlotte, I had some shoes that actually kept my feet dry. She was getting rid of stuff before moving to Florida last year and she actually gave me a pair of hiking shoes that I could stuff my big old feet into even with two pairs of socks on! Thanks, Sugy!
Anyway, my spouse and I walked 2.72 miles in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Pretty slow but walking in the snow and ice is kinda' hard. You're always slipping, even minutely, and having to regain your footing. Plus you can't walk too fast because you're being careful not to slip and take a big fall. Glad we got it in. Got nearly 5000 steps in, too. Was nice looking at the snowy landscape and it wasn't too cold.
Oh, btw my quick but intense workout yesterday has my arms, back, chest, shoulders and core sore! Wonder what I'm going to feel like on Friday? Plus I just spent 30-45 minutes shoveling heavy slush off my driveway. At least it had gotten warm enough for me to do my shoveling in a short sleeve T-shirt.
Anyway, my spouse and I walked 2.72 miles in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Pretty slow but walking in the snow and ice is kinda' hard. You're always slipping, even minutely, and having to regain your footing. Plus you can't walk too fast because you're being careful not to slip and take a big fall. Glad we got it in. Got nearly 5000 steps in, too. Was nice looking at the snowy landscape and it wasn't too cold.
Oh, btw my quick but intense workout yesterday has my arms, back, chest, shoulders and core sore! Wonder what I'm going to feel like on Friday? Plus I just spent 30-45 minutes shoveling heavy slush off my driveway. At least it had gotten warm enough for me to do my shoveling in a short sleeve T-shirt.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Back to Basics on a Snow Day
I really enjoyed Phase One of the Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. I got kinda' off track before starting Phase Two. It has been eight days since I did my final Intu-Flow workout. I was starting to feel like a slug and I could feel my weight starting to creep back up. Shoot, I haven't even weighed myself in two or three days.
Now we're in the midst of winter storm Pax. We could be stuck at home for a two or three days. I felt like I had to get some exercise in. I had also been thinking that I want to get myself stronger and more fit with some basic calisthenics rather than the esoteric moves of BB4FL.
So, I've put together a simple, quick routine based on a combination of,, and some elements from The Four Hour Body.
Plan: 5 rounds with 60 second rest between rounds.
Chin-ups: 3,4,3, 1 negative, 1 max hold
Push-ups: 6,6,4,4,13
Squats: 8,8,5,5,16
Myotatic Crunches 1x10
Cat Vomit Exercise 1x10
I arbitrarily chose level 1 of the pull-up routine and level 2 of the push-up and squat routines. That was a good choice for the chin-ups. BTW, the chin-ups in the 1st three rounds were assisted with one foot on a stool. I should bump it up to level 3 for the push-ups and squats on my next workout. I stopped at 16 on my max set of squats but probably could have done more. My so called "max hold" on the chin-ups was like one pitiful second. It can only get better right?
I then did Tim Ferriss's two favorite ab exercises. Following the minimum effective dose, just 1 set each of 10 reps. Oh, I chose to do chin-ups ( palms facing my body ) rather than pull-ups ( palms facing away from my body ) this time. Chin-ups are 10-15 percent easier than pull-ups because they involve the biceps more strongly. This should do two things, give me a quicker sense of improvement and help pump up my arms.
After a week or two of this, I'm going to add in kettlebell swings to accelerate fat loss ala the 4HB. I also need to scout out a grassy hill for hill sprints. I really should keep doing Intu-Flow as a warm-up and Prasara Yoga as a cool down. The core of this routine works all of the big muscles and many of the small muscles of the body with three simple compound movements. Simple, direct and quick! I finished the whole thing in fifteen minutes. No gym required.
That last bit, that the current routine is so short is also an argument against adding anything. I find it extremely hard to carve out an hour to workout especially on days when I drive to Clemson for work. No excuse, but it is true.
Oh, and I did this work out in doors because it is so cold and snowy outside. And unfortunately, I don't have anywhere outside in my yard to do chin-ups. So, I'm probably going to be doing my exercise mostly indoors for the next few weeks.
Now we're in the midst of winter storm Pax. We could be stuck at home for a two or three days. I felt like I had to get some exercise in. I had also been thinking that I want to get myself stronger and more fit with some basic calisthenics rather than the esoteric moves of BB4FL.
So, I've put together a simple, quick routine based on a combination of,, and some elements from The Four Hour Body.
Plan: 5 rounds with 60 second rest between rounds.
Chin-ups: 3,4,3, 1 negative, 1 max hold
Push-ups: 6,6,4,4,13
Squats: 8,8,5,5,16
Myotatic Crunches 1x10
Cat Vomit Exercise 1x10
I arbitrarily chose level 1 of the pull-up routine and level 2 of the push-up and squat routines. That was a good choice for the chin-ups. BTW, the chin-ups in the 1st three rounds were assisted with one foot on a stool. I should bump it up to level 3 for the push-ups and squats on my next workout. I stopped at 16 on my max set of squats but probably could have done more. My so called "max hold" on the chin-ups was like one pitiful second. It can only get better right?
I then did Tim Ferriss's two favorite ab exercises. Following the minimum effective dose, just 1 set each of 10 reps. Oh, I chose to do chin-ups ( palms facing my body ) rather than pull-ups ( palms facing away from my body ) this time. Chin-ups are 10-15 percent easier than pull-ups because they involve the biceps more strongly. This should do two things, give me a quicker sense of improvement and help pump up my arms.

That last bit, that the current routine is so short is also an argument against adding anything. I find it extremely hard to carve out an hour to workout especially on days when I drive to Clemson for work. No excuse, but it is true.
Oh, and I did this work out in doors because it is so cold and snowy outside. And unfortunately, I don't have anywhere outside in my yard to do chin-ups. So, I'm probably going to be doing my exercise mostly indoors for the next few weeks.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Intu Flow Only
I was fairly inactive yesterday, 20140202. I did the Intu-Flow recovery routine that is part of BB4FL. I also sat outside in the sun and upped my vitamin D. Just a lazy Super Bowl Sunday. Hooray for the Seahawks!
And apparently I never published this on what is now yesterday, 20140203!
And apparently I never published this on what is now yesterday, 20140203!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Phase One Complete
After skipping exercise yesterday ( I got up late, drove to Clemson and back for work, and the boys had TKD testing last night - Hooray for the new Red Belts! ) and procrastinating this morning I just finished up my workout. It was the final workout of the 28 day Phase One of the Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. Tomorrow I need to do a full Intu-Flow session then take a day off before starting Phase Two.
Warm Up: Intu-Flow 8 minutes
Five Rounds 45 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest between rounds.
Frogger to Standing => 8,7,6,6,5
Swing Split to Table Thrust => 5,5,5,4,4
Side Plank to Scorpion => 6,6,6,6,7
Split Squat to Pillow Twist => 6,6,6,6,6
These five rounds took 20 minutes.
Cool Down: Prasara Yoga 15 minutes
I did more reps of each exercise in the same amount of time as my last moderate day and my last high intensity day. I'm getting in better shape! I tell you what, even though I did the fewest reps in the fifth round the fourth round was the hardest. I was so exhausted by the start of the fourth round that it took mental focus to get through it. The fifth round was hard but I knew it was the last so it was easier mentally.
I'm sore. I'm tired. This workout is so hard because every single exercise uses almost the entire body. It's crazy how taxing these seemingly simple exercise can be. If I remember correctly, the next phase is about strength more than metabolic conditioning and fat loss. I really appreciate the combination of mobility, conditioning, strength and flexibility work. I tried for years to cobble together such a routine but the guys at Bodyweight Coach put it together professionally. Thanks!
Warm Up: Intu-Flow 8 minutes
Five Rounds 45 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest between rounds.
Frogger to Standing => 8,7,6,6,5
Swing Split to Table Thrust => 5,5,5,4,4
Side Plank to Scorpion => 6,6,6,6,7
Split Squat to Pillow Twist => 6,6,6,6,6
These five rounds took 20 minutes.
Cool Down: Prasara Yoga 15 minutes
I did more reps of each exercise in the same amount of time as my last moderate day and my last high intensity day. I'm getting in better shape! I tell you what, even though I did the fewest reps in the fifth round the fourth round was the hardest. I was so exhausted by the start of the fourth round that it took mental focus to get through it. The fifth round was hard but I knew it was the last so it was easier mentally.
I'm sore. I'm tired. This workout is so hard because every single exercise uses almost the entire body. It's crazy how taxing these seemingly simple exercise can be. If I remember correctly, the next phase is about strength more than metabolic conditioning and fat loss. I really appreciate the combination of mobility, conditioning, strength and flexibility work. I tried for years to cobble together such a routine but the guys at Bodyweight Coach put it together professionally. Thanks!
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No Progress Yesterday
I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.
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