Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull-up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 6, Australian Pull up 5, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 5,7,5,5 max ( at least 8)
Squats 16,18,13,13, max ( at least 21 )
Actual: 5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds
Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 6, Australian Pull up 5, then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 5,7,5,5 max => 10
Squats 16,18,13,13, max => 25
6 minute Abs:
- Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
- Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
Prasara Yoga Recovery Routine 12 minutes
I didn't resist working out today. In fact I was looking forward to it. Doing the Australians outside let me set the bar at the proper height. There is a corner of the fence in the backyard that is just right for me to position a metal bar to do these inverted rows. I got a much better range of motion than using the indoor pull up bar with my feet on a stool.
Since I still wasn't hitting the required number of push ups for my max set, with good form and without pausing for several seconds between clusters of reps, I dropped down again to level one. Very ego bruising but probably better in the long run. I also dropped down to level two for my squats. I figured part of the problem with the push ups might have been how winded I was getting from the very high rep squats. Sure enough I got my 10 solid, unbroken reps for my max set of push ups.
Again with the six minute abs routine from the Four Hour Body. The calisthenic workout took 24 minutes. Once I was done with that I intended to do the Prasara Yoga cool down routine from BB4FL but mistakenly did the Prasara recovery routine. I didn't realize I was doing the wrong series of poses until I was almost done!
Adding up the time from all components of this workout and I'm at 44 minutes. That's pretty decent. If I actually do the longer cool down routine on calisthenics days it will push the total time up past 50 minutes. It might be better time-wise to do the cool down on days when I walk. I really want to try to get my calisthenics in before going to work during the week so keeping the total time under 45 minutes is crucial for that.
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