Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why Do I Resist Working Out

Why do I resist working out? Nearly every workout I have to talk myself into doing it. I know all the benefits. I always feel good when I'm done. Yet as of late there is always this initial resistance. I got down to it though.

Intu-Flow warm up routine from the BB4FL 8 minutes.

Plan: 5 Rounds with 90 second rest between rounds

Assisted Chin-ups 3, Australian Pull-up 5, Assisted Chin-ups 3, Australian Pull up 4,  then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 10,12,9,9 max ( at least 13)
Squats 19,22,16,16, max ( at least 23 )

Actual:  5 rounds with 90 second rest between rounds

Assisted Chin-ups 4, Australian Pull up 2, Assisted Chin-ups 5, Australian Pull up 3,  then 1 Negative Chin-up
Push-ups 10,12,9,9 max => 5,4,4
Squats 19,22,16,16, max => 25

6 minute Abs:
  1. Myotatic Crunch 1 x 10
  2. Cat Vomit Exercise 1 x 10
I actually took a two minute rest between rounds 3 and 4 by accident. Level two still might be high for me on push ups. I make it through the first four rounds pretty well but I'm totally out of gas on the fifth round. I might need to go through week two twice to make sure I really progress as I should. Plus, the pull up program is 7 weeks long whereas the push up and squat programs are 6 weeks long.

My right pec and shoulder are both a little extra sore. I probably should do more mobility and flexibility exercises for both. A little ice after my shower wouldn't hurt either. I did my crunches slowly again. They can be incredibly hard. The CVEs really make my whole core feel extra tight. I've got to tighten up my diet so I can start shedding pounds and fat.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.