Now we're in the midst of winter storm Pax. We could be stuck at home for a two or three days. I felt like I had to get some exercise in. I had also been thinking that I want to get myself stronger and more fit with some basic calisthenics rather than the esoteric moves of BB4FL.
So, I've put together a simple, quick routine based on a combination of,, and some elements from The Four Hour Body.
Plan: 5 rounds with 60 second rest between rounds.
Chin-ups: 3,4,3, 1 negative, 1 max hold
Push-ups: 6,6,4,4,13
Squats: 8,8,5,5,16
Myotatic Crunches 1x10
Cat Vomit Exercise 1x10
I arbitrarily chose level 1 of the pull-up routine and level 2 of the push-up and squat routines. That was a good choice for the chin-ups. BTW, the chin-ups in the 1st three rounds were assisted with one foot on a stool. I should bump it up to level 3 for the push-ups and squats on my next workout. I stopped at 16 on my max set of squats but probably could have done more. My so called "max hold" on the chin-ups was like one pitiful second. It can only get better right?
I then did Tim Ferriss's two favorite ab exercises. Following the minimum effective dose, just 1 set each of 10 reps. Oh, I chose to do chin-ups ( palms facing my body ) rather than pull-ups ( palms facing away from my body ) this time. Chin-ups are 10-15 percent easier than pull-ups because they involve the biceps more strongly. This should do two things, give me a quicker sense of improvement and help pump up my arms.

That last bit, that the current routine is so short is also an argument against adding anything. I find it extremely hard to carve out an hour to workout especially on days when I drive to Clemson for work. No excuse, but it is true.
Oh, and I did this work out in doors because it is so cold and snowy outside. And unfortunately, I don't have anywhere outside in my yard to do chin-ups. So, I'm probably going to be doing my exercise mostly indoors for the next few weeks.
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