Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Metric Mile and Man Makers

Once again I looked at the WOD for the day and almost chickened out. Plus my knee was still hurting some. But I sucked it up and went to Distinct Crossfit to get my third round of torture on.

Here is the Rx WOD

Start up
20 swing kicks per side
20 hip rots per side
1 min samson stretch per side
400m Indian run

1600m run
20 manmakers 30/20
1 manmakers=push up, row, push up row, stand up, curl to shoulder press, hold db's over head and fwd lunge per side
Goat work
10:00 mins to work on a skill.
Choose something you really need to work on and seriously work on it.


I got there early and did my usual Intu-Flow warm up. Then I did the Start up as indicated. However the 4 other people in my group for the 400M were all younger and had been doing Crossfit far longer than me. The one sorta old guy in the group runs regularly. Anyway, I made it about 220M as indicated then I couldn't sprint back to the front. I let a couple of other people go, then I just dropped down to a walk for about 80M. Then I jogged in the last 100M.

The the WOD. I ran and walked the 1600M, it was hot and humid as HELL. I was the last one back, I made it in about 15:35 which sucks. But at least I made it. Derrick scaled the Man Makers back he had me start with a measley 16 pounds, 2 8lb dumbbells. I only made it through reps with those, then they had me drop those and just do bodyweight for 7 reps. That shit was hard. BTW, Derrick said afterwards that he had intended to scale my run down to 800M which is why he let me do just 10 MMs.

Then I spent my 10 minutes working on learning to jump rope again. I tried to begin with Carl Paoli's jump rope progression but I can't seem to get the rope twirling with my left hand. I need to keep working on that.

Next it took me a long time to get the GHD set up for my short self. In all I only did about 12 GHDSU before my right hip flexor started freaking out. After a little rest and water I did my normal Prasara Yoga cool down.

1 comment:

  1. I really haven't done any running since a minor injury during the Citadel 5K two or three summers ago. I've got to get my mind into a Crossfit mentality...moving as fast as you can as long as you can even when heart and respiratory rates are high. But at the same time, I've got to keep good form to prevent injury. It is a CHALLENGE.

    I spent a long time thinking I had to get in some kind of baseline shape before starting Crossfit...but the only way to get in shape for Crossfit is to do Crossfit.


No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.