Monday, July 21, 2014

That Mean Bitch Helen Kicked My Fat Ass

When I looked at the website of the Distinct Crossfit and saw that today's WOD was Helen I almost decided to skip today. I was like DAMN! My second Crossfit workout and it's Helen? DAMN! I went and did it though. I showed up early and did my Intu-flow warm up with extra shoulder work. I also practiced Squat Clean and Jerk with a length of PVC pipe. Here's the whole workout for today as RX.


Start up
10 pass through
10 jump pull ups
10 good mornings 45/35
40m run

3 rounds
21 KB swing (53/35)
12 pullups

Squat clean and jerk, climbing (no thruster - 2 separate movements)
10 toe to bar after each set

Stretch and roll
Hamstring/low back

So I did the start up just fine. The pull ups made it feel like a real workout though! As for the WOD I knew there was no way I could do the KB swings w/ 53lbs nor the pullups. I didn't even use the women's weight, 35 lbs., but a 30 lb kettlebell. The first round of pullups I did with bands, the last two I did jump pull ups. The 400m runs were so, so hard. I haven't been running AT ALL. I ran the whole first one, but I had to alternate running and walking for the final two rounds.

Then on to the strength portion. I've never really done any olympic lifting. I did just reps with the 45 bar to get used to the movement. Then I added on a couple of 10 lb plates. I couldn't do "toes to bar", my arms were beat. I couldn't even do hanging knee ups. I did abmat situps instead. I actually only did 1 and a half sets of those cause my abs knotted up like crazy.  I cooled down with some foam rolling and my normal Prasara Yoga recovery routine.

i am beat down. When I finished I was soaking wet with sweat head to toe. Unfortunately I had to drive out to Furman to pick up my son Miles from lacrosse camp. This meant lots of sitting around and waiting rather than heading home for a shower and ice.

But now I've finally had a shower, eaten dinner and iced down my right shoulder, right knee and lower back. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow it's not funny. I wonder if I can get up early enough to make the 0530 WOD? I wonder if I'll be able to move enough to workout or if I'll have to wait until Wednesday?


  1. I forgot to mention that my time for Helen yesterday was a woeful 23:40. In 2010 a good time for a male Masters athlete on Helen was 9:51 ( That's a new goal for me!

    Did I mention that I'm sore? Not unable to move sore, but still pretty sore from head to toe!

  2. In the comment above s/good time/average time/


No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.