Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tracy Reifkind Kettlebell Workout Two

So, a week has gone by without a formal workout until today. But once again, I took my son to his lacrosse practice at Pittman Park and decided to get in my training while most parents sat and watched. There were a handful of adults running and walking but no one was doing an intense workout like mine.

Warm Up

Walk 15:00, 0.54 miles for an average of 2.2 mph.

Circuit 3 circuits 5 reps each 13 minutes
The Practice
My warm up walk was pretty slow. It was super humid and hot as blazes, well for early May anyway. The last 3 or 4 minutes were basically farmer's carries of my kettlebells from my truck to the grass spot I had chosen for my training. Then on too my normal warmup circuit. I was pretty stiff to start with, but by the time I had finished the three rounds I was nice and loose and even warmer. The prying goblet squats felt especially good.

By the time I got to the main practice some clouds had rolled in and the temperature dropped a few degrees. It felt much cooler. I decided to do Tracy Reifkind's full workout #2 for my kettlebell swings. The first five sets were easy as expected, really more warming up. Second 5 sets I laddered up, adding one rep per set finishing the series at 15 reps. Felt good, not too winded but breathing hard.

As I started the third series of 5 sets I told heard Tracy in my head saying, "Just because you've reached your top reps you don't have to stay there." OK I said to myself, start with 15 reps and if you can't hack it drop down to 12 or 10 for the second set. But once I started my determination kicked in. I decided to get 15 reps for all 5 sets. I heard one of the Crossfit Games athletes I like, though I can't remember who said it, you have to decide to stay in that pain zone, you have to come to love living in that pain zone.

Once I finished I was gassed. I just collapsed on my yoga matt gasping for breath. After a couple of minutes my breathing was back to near normal and my heart rate had dropped so it was on to the Turkish get ups. These were pretty routine. Felt smooth and strong. My hips felt nice and open. I could feel my core working hard, too. All in all a great workout.

And the really cool thing? I did this routine at about the 9 hour mark of a 24 hour fast as per Eat Stop Eat. Our bodies are evolved to go long periods of time without food, while hunting and doing other work. Twenty-four hours should be child's play.

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.