Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 21 Cycle 5 Day 1 Walk and IntuFlow

It was 66°F today! On January 20th! That's why I live in South Carolina!

I did a a bunch of stuff around the house today. Didn't get out for my walk until nearly 4PM. I walked approximately three miles in one hour. I say approximately because some friends were drove by as I was walking and stopped to talk. I paused the app I use to track my walks, Noom Weight Loss Coach, and forgot to un-pause it for at least 10 minutes and half a mile. Bummer! Another app, Noom Walk, kept on track of my steps and I topped 10,000, in fact 10,814 as of this writing!

Once I got home I got some water. Then I did the Intu-Flow recovery routine from the Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss (BB4FL). Today was my 21st day of 28 days for Phase 1. It was a "no intensity" day which was a good thing. I was sore after yesterday's high intensity workout. Mainly in my midback, core, quads and hamstrings. Oh, I was also sore in my shoulders and triceps.

I have noticed that combination of using Intu-Flow as a warm up and Prasara Yoga as cool down on the moderate and high intensity days, as well as the planned no intensity ( Intu-Flow ) and low intensity ( Prasara ) recovery days seems to keep me from getting so sore I can't move. The BB4FL is a well structured program.

I slacked off for three days in total so far. So, I actually started this program twenty-four days ago. I also started weighing myself daily at that time. I've lost 5.6 pounds in 24 days. That's almost two pounds per week which is a healthy, sustainable rate. I haven't really dialed in my eating to either Slow-Carb or Low Carb Paleo style. I seem to eat clean about 50-60% of the time right now. Once I dial it in, I'm sure I'll lose weight more quickly.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually the sixth cycle, not the fifth!


No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.