Sunday, January 19, 2014

Warm Hybrid High Intensity

I was prepared for today's workout unlike yesterday. Plus it was warm! Almost 60°F in the sun. That was good enough for me to work out shirtless and get my dose of natural vitamin D.

Warm Up: Intu-Flow 8.5 minutes

Five Rounds 45 seconds per exercise with 1 minute rest between rounds.

Frogger to Standing => 6,6,6,5,5
Swing Split to Table Thrust => 5,4,4,4,4
Side Plank to Scorpion => 5,6,6,6,5
Split Squat to Pillow Twist => 6,5,5,4,5

These five rounds took 22 minutes.

Cool Down: Prasara Yoga 14.5 minutes

I did better today. I did more reps. I got into the groove of these more complicated moves. I think the Swing Split to Table Thrust is the hardest for me. Again it's shoulders that are the weak link. On top of that my cardiovascular system is already taxed from the burpee like Frogger to Standing exercise.

My form really sucked in the fourth round, especially on the first and second exercises. I managed to refocus and push hard in the final round. When it was over I collapsed face down onto my exercise mat gasping for breath and pouring sweat despite the relatively cool temperature.

It is pretty easy to push through the burn when you're doing an isolation exercise for a small muscle group like biceps or triceps, or even a big muscle group when doing something like leg extensions for the quads. But when you're doing four exercises that involve the whole body with no rest between exercises it gets pretty darn tough.

Once I caught my breath I finished up with yoga. After the yoga I just sat in the sun and meditated for a while. I felt really good. Now I just feel tired and sore. Wonder how I'll feel in the morning? Or on Tuesday?

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.