Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Twelve Days Straight

Day twelve is a high intensity routine from the BB4FL. I adjusted the reps up from 6 per exercise to 7. I'm not in good enough shape to complete 5 rounds of 10 reps per exercise yet.

Warm Up: Intu-Flow 8 minutes

Plan 5 Rounds 7 Reps per Exercise. The last three of the four exercises are 7 reps per side.

Frogger Level 1
Swing Split Level 1
Elevated Scorpion Level 1
Pillow Twist Level 1 w/ stool


Round 1: 5 minutes & 20 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 1: 1.5 minutes
Round 2: 5 minutes & 55 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 2: 1.5 minutes
Round 3: 6 minutes, 7 reps
Rest 3: 1.5 minutes
Round 4: 5 minutes & 50 seconds, 7 reps
Rest 4: 1.5 minutes
Round 5: 6 minutes & 45 seconds, 7 reps
Total time: 35.5 minutes

Cool Down: Prasara Yoga 14 minutes

I was dripping sweat after round 2. By the middle of round 3 I was soaked. Even with the rest periods cut down to 1.5 minutes between rounds I wasn't as close to nausea as I was on day eight. My body is adapting quickly. All of these exercises involve the shoulders which seem to be my weak link right now. If only my shoulders would adapt more quickly.

Even though this routine is super hard, I felt good when I was done. I was soaking wet with sweat when I finished. I wanted to just stretch out on my exercise mat and recover but I started my prasara yoga cool down immediately. I was still breathing hard at the end of the yoga and did collapse on my mat for a few minutes.

Before I left my office at the Clemson University datacenter, which is nearly an hour drive from my home, I had begun to talk myself out of doing my workout today. The closer I got to home, the more I started talking myself into doing my workout. I didn't want to break my streak. Then my daughter, Gabrielle, encouraged me not to break my streak, too. Thanks, Gabby! I did it! Three four day cycles, twelve straight days! Hooray me!

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No Progress Yesterday

I didn't do anything toward my website building goal yesterday, Friday 04 March 2022. I'll pick it up again today.