- Cross Crawl 20 reps
- Diaphragmatic Breathing 2 minutes
- Head Nods 20 reps
- Segmented rolls 3 reps each direction led by each limb
- Rocking 20 reps
- Baby Crawl 2 minutes

Came home this afternoon just about 30 minutes before the Orange Bowl started. I took a few minutes just to rest and relax. However, I knew I wanted to get my Simple and Sinister training in. I figured I would either do it during halftime of the Orange Bowl, or after that game and before the Cotton Bowl.

Warm Up 3 circuits 5 reps each exercise
- Deep, assisted squats
- Hip Bridges
- Light Kettlebell Halo
- Bird Dogs
The Practice
- Kettlebell Swings 10 x 10 x 53#
- Turkish Get Ups 5 x 1 x 35# (per side)
I started my warm up with about 3 minutes to go in the first half. I didn't miss much as several timeouts and incomplete passes stopped the clock. I got started with the practice right as halftime began. I used the same work to rest ratio 15 secs/ 35 secs as last time for the swings. I was huffing pretty good. This is my third time using this work/rest ratio. I think I'll be sticking here for a few more days.
Took the prescribed one minute rest after the swings and then got right on the get ups. I didn't rush the movements but tried to rest as little as possible between reps. There is a point where the right knee is down on the mat and you rotate the leg, for some reason this hurts a little spot on my knee. I think it's where one of the scars is from arthroscopic surgery a few years ago. It's not major pain just annoying like a pinch. I finished these in about 9:08. Total time for the practice was 17:43 and I was done just in time for the beginning of the second half.