I did some chores, made coffee and read a lot this morning. We were also having a new mattress and box spring delivered so I didn't get started with my training until 1000. It was still cool and damp after another night of rain. Thankfully the carport was mostly dry and I don't have to work today. I'll have to move more quickly and get started sooner tomorrow.
Performance Preparation
Original Strength Reset
- Cross Crawl - 20 per side
- Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
- Head Nods - 20 reps
- Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ legs then arms
- Rocking - 20 reps
- Crawling - 3 minutes
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 4 x 10 x 35 lbs
- One Hand Kettlebell Swings 4 x 10 x 35 lbs L, R, L, R
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 2 x 10 x 35 lbs
- Turkish Get Ups 2 x 1 x 25 lbs per side
- Turkish Get Ups 2 x 1 x 35 lbs per side
- Turkish Get Ups 1 x 1 x 25 lbs per side

The swings and get ups were the same as yesterday. I think I'll keep things just as they are at least through Saturday at which point I'll decide whether to do more sets of one arm swings and whether to do a couple more heavier sets of get ups. Total kettlebell time 20:50.
I only got in 6356 steps yesterday. It was rainy and I went to a party at a friend's house yesterday afternoon. Not excuses per se, just the facts. BTW, this makes thirteen straight days of S&S.
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